I go to university out of state so half the year I’m at school and the other half I’m at home. Since I’ve been home for the summer I have 2 girls that want to have a serious relationship with me and I want to have one with them too but since I’m going back to school in 3 weeks I don’t wanna commit to something then be away from them for months at a time. To complicate things even more there’s 2 separate other girls at school who I both dated in in the past while at school and they have been texting me telling me they wanna get back together when I get back to school. I like all the girls and they all have their separate pros and cons and I feel so bad about having to choose one go fully commit to at some point. I want a serious relationship but being in 2 separate parts of the country half the years makes it extremely difficult does anyone have advice what I should do?

  1. Simple: home girl + school girl.

    They might even be ok with your letting them know that’s what you’re doing.

  2. It seems like you want a serious relationship just cuz, rather than wanting one because you truly like someone which is a bad idea.

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