You have been given a month long paid vacation. What are you going to do with your time?

  1. Spend 30 days agonizing over what to do with it, and then one day drinking away my sorrows for wasting a month 🙄

  2. Find a nice island with great beaches and good company and live like a king for 30 days

  3. I am literally changing jobs soon, and I’m planning on asking for this.

    What would I do? I’d start a serious workout routine, 2x a day in the end. I would sort through every single box, unplaced item, and widget and put them in a proper place or chuck it. I would focus on my diet and make sure it’s the best it can be. My doctor perscribed stretching routines, so I’d do that as well. And I have my digital files spread out all over like 10 different PCs, so I’d consolidate all of the files onto one NAS and cloud backup solution.

    I’ve been dreaming of getting this ever since I’ve decided to change jobs.

  4. Today is my first day back after a month of vacation. We were going to drive a pan American road trip, but my wife became pregnant and we decided to renovate some of the house instead. I got a lot less done than I’d like and now I’m burnt out and have two months of Saturday’s to finish.

  5. Staycation. My wife still has to work, school for the kids starts at the end of the month so we need to prep for that. Find some stuff to do with the kids, make some memories that they could hold onto…

  6. Back to Africa. Maybe a country or two in Europe. A couple days in Thailand and the Philippines. Possibly Australia

  7. I’d spend time with each family member and tell them how much they mean to me.

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