29 of July 2022. My parents and brother with his partner and two year old son, are going away on holiday from 29 till the 5 of august. so I was will be looking after my brother house and pets.

I am a 19 and a virgin, and I wanted to loose it. I contacted a person on yesbackpage, I went through the process and sent her 130 for an hour of her time.

However she said her card was declining to pay for condoms and lube “for safe sex.” I had a serious think about what I was about to do and the risk which come with having sex with a stranger.
So I told her to keep the 130 and call it off. She then ask about doing on another date, Which stupidly I agree.

However my brother and his partner are coming back early due to family issue which I will not go through into. I tell her I will send her 200 and we’ll go a separate ways. I wanted to call this off. So I send her 200 and I presume it over.

Until the next day she demanded another payment of 200 or she will come and expose my plans to have sex. I tell her I will call the police and that I tell her I have no more money left. And that I gave here all I had. But she persists.

But I do t think she will stop. So Im looking around for help and I’m think about calling a extortion help line. I now this is my fault for Treading in the world of payed sex. I’m young and dumb. I haven’t being saving up for a rain day. And I’m scared.

I’ve screenshot all of the money transferences so far and screenshot her yesbackpage as well with the most recent patch of text from her. I’ve read around that they will continue to demand from me. If she continues I will take this up.

I know the internet is a Wild West and I expect people will send hate.

If there is any updates I will edit

  1. Look its not worth paying any money to her. She aint gonna pursue it. It’s a mind game.
    U r 19. U didn’t do anything illegal. Ur parents and family would understand, at max U may hv to experience a couple of hits and flying sandals by ur family but hey keep your self respect up and do not pay that stupid foolish woman.
    Talk to ur neighbouring Police Station if you still feel like needing to discuss it further.
    Remember, U haven’t done anything illegal.

  2. >she demanded another payment of 200 or she will come and expose my plans to have sex.

    Lmao as if she’s going to turn up in person and rat you out. This is a toothless shakedown, she’s not gonna do shit. She’ll forget you and begin to fleece the next dweeb as soon as you block her.

  3. Thanks. I told her i will pay 200 to leave me alone but i feel she won’t. I won’t talk to her any more and will not send any money, hope she just loses interest and leaves me alone. But if not I will hold my ground.

  4. So more information about this Im living in England. And I’ve talked to my local police about this and they have said the they will Deal with her

  5. Police. Pretend to give in, let them track “her”, and whoever is behind that screen will get arrested. Your I’ll also get your money back. You should also make sure to have a good story which will keep you out of trouble. “I was so tired of being a virgin, so I wanted to lose it. I went to a prostitute sight, but I just couldn’t go through with it because I knew it was wrong. Now I’m being extorted.”

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