Just looking for opinions Her biggest gripe seems to be that I didn’t want her hanging out and texting with other guys all the time. Everyone is around 40, She said they are just friends (was only really 2) one of them kissed her once (he’s married to another 1 of her friends she doesn’t know) and they would messege 3/4 times a week and the other was going through some issues with a friend of his that committed suicide so wanted her to like goto the Dr’s with him for support and she went out to his batch afew times etc and they would snap chat constantly. I obviously was not ok with any of that, what do you think? I understand supporting a friend but there’s bounderies

  1. Why would you want to be with someone who routinely does things you don’t think are okay?

  2. Ooof blessings in disguise. Good riddance, let the bar flys do bar fly things. Always go with your gut

  3. Good for her i wouldnt put up with that shit either. Youre 40 years old its well past time to grow up and realize women and men can just be friends, and that in a healthy relationship both partners should be ablw ro hang out with and talk to their friends

  4. good for you bro. you set your boundaries and dodged a huge bullet. you should be with someone that respects you

  5. good you dodged a bullet. matter fact the fact that she broke up with you fast shows she probably was sleeping with one of them or had feelings for

  6. Good for her. You’re a grown adult and you’re being insecure and possessive over her spending time with a friend grieving a loss to suicide? Jesus, man. Her friends have been on her life longer than you have. That kind of possessive jealousy is a bad look.

  7. You don’t have to deal with that if you don’t want too. Especially if you’re dead set on dating close to your age. Their are so many women who will bend over backwards because so many men prefer to date down in age and women prefer their age or older so the amount of eligible men goes down as they get older.

  8. She did the right thing by dumping you. You can’t control who her friends are. That’s shitty

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