Time of year/Season

  1. Summer: It is hot, uncomfortable, and a reminder that we’re all fucked when it comes to climate change.

    Saturday: It is my busiest day, I have to work, tons of people are everywhere because they are off.

    5pm-ish: Traffic

  2. Winter. January and February. Monday’s. 4pm when it starts to get dark already. Seasonal depression is a real thing

  3. As someone who does not celebrate Christmas, Christmas eve and day when just about everything has closed and even more since covid

  4. Late march to middle of june is pretty hot where I live, so probably that time of the year.


    Early morning, before 8 am

  5. November to March is my least favorite time of the year. Monday is my least favorite day and the least favorite time of the day is usually around 2:30 when I sometimes get really tired at work and then I feel wide awake again at 3.

  6. Christmas, I know I know, I sound like a grinch, it’s just not a nice time of year for me.

  7. As a kid, I liked Winter for many obvious reasons. Playing in snow, holidays, family time in the house. Now I would say I’m not really a fan because depressing time of year especially with SAD, not a lot of sunlight in my region, no greenery or trees, nowhere to go and nothing to do. The benefit of it at least is I love seasonal food, so fall/winter foods are cozy for the cockles.

    Least favorite time of week is the weekend because of my work. We get slammed and it’s very busy, we’re all tired and grumpy and fed up with putting on the customer service voices for unappreciative people, but most people are well-meaning and pretty nice besides that.

    Least favorite time of day is evening when the sun starts to set. Ironic I’m more of a night owl, but when I’m alone, it’s horrid. The day is over and I reflect on how much I wasted it, if I did nothing I see as meaningful. Sometimes it’s good though, because it’s very quiet in town and I can get a boost on working on a project, reading a book, what have you.

  8. Time of year: Christmas

    Day of the week: I love my job and I love my days off

    Time of day: Bedtime

  9. The weeks leading up to 4th of July. I don’t know how it is in other parts of the country, but every year in my East Oakland neighborhood, I have to hear fireworks that sound more like bombs. I can tolerate professional fireworks, but those I hear on the streets are ridiculous. I’ll never understand the thrill that people get from setting those wannabe bombs off for weeks and weeks, and terrorizing their neighbors. I feel bad for anyone who lives closer to them, who might have pets or PTSD. People are being inconsiderate assholes. The OPD has been largely ineffective at dealing with illegal fireworks (as well as other issues).

  10. Winter: I’m used to the cold but it feels like winter is longer every single year!

    Tuesday: Tuesdays just suck

    2pm: If I haven’t had lunch and it’s 2pm then lunch is off the table IMO.

  11. Autumn (or winter unless its snowing) – I live in england, its nothing but a brown mess and everything is dead or dying. Snow makes it acceptable because everything at least looks pretty.

    Monday – Obvious reasons.

    Any time with trafic.

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