I have come to the decision that I’m not happy in my current relationship of about 3 months and want to end things. I tried to set up a time to meet before she left, but given the emergency nature of her family situation it didn’t work out. I am unsure when she will be back, it was stated to be “not a long trip” but not sure what that will actually end up being.

She knows we are not in a good place, however I feel like it’s kind of a dick move to 1. Add a break up on top of her potentially dying grandfather, and 2. To not do it in person.

However I also feel extremely disingenuous still being in the relationship, and although she knows we aren’t really good, it feels like I am either pretending to be okay or it will end up in a fight.

I feel like it’s just a shitty situation, but would like to get some others’ insight. Should I break up with her, wait til she gets back, or something I maybe haven’t thought of?

TL;DR: want to break up with gf but she is out of town visiting her very ill relative for an unknown period of time.

  1. I mean, the timing is definitely not the greatest. But before you do break up, I do recommend trying to do so in a nice way. Perhaps try to work over whatever point of unhappiness you two have as to try and mend your relationship? If it doesn’t work then do break up after.

  2. Let me ask you a question: in what capacity is she still going to be in your life once you break up? If you don’t want her in your life, break up with her now via phone call.

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