If you can decide, how would you like to die?

  1. In my own bed at the age of 80 with a belly full of wine and girl’s mouth around my cock

  2. In my own bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of wine and a girl’s mouth around my cock

  3. Bang my partner one more time and die asleep that night, hopefully they won’t freak out or maybe end like that terrible movie Notebook

  4. Either surrounded by loved ones when I’m 80 or in a pile of brass and bodies as the last group gets away safely.

  5. I don’t mind much, as long as there is as little damage to my skeleton as possible. I want it to be used for a dancing animatronic.

  6. Fast, is at all possible instant. Hopefully before I’m too old that it’s considered “natural”. So I think 50 would be a good “I’ve seen enough of life I can go now”.

    Something like decapitation or something.

  7. In my sleep …. like my grandad. Not screaming like the other folks in his car as he drove into the concrete bridge.

  8. On a golf course or at Lambeau due to something instant preferably with minimal suffering

  9. Naturally at the ripe old age of 80 in my bed with a madens mouth around my cock

  10. Either on my deathbed surrounded by loved ones while IV DMT is injected into me, or a skydiving mishap. Either way, I want to see it coming and make peace with it first.

  11. Joke answer: in my bed. Sorrounded by naked women.

    Serious answer: doing something heroic which would change the world or at least the lives of many people.

    Real answer: ASAP, though I prefer if it happens while sleeping.

  12. I don’t care how as long as it’s in a place with AC. I will die in a comfortable temperature if it’s the last thing I do.

  13. In my sleep or in glorious battle, but those are the expected answers.

    In a drug trial, where what happens to me helps a breakthrough to find a cure to something nasty.

  14. Riding a shark, with two hundred and fifty pounds of dynamite strapped to my chest, into the mouth of an active volcano.

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