What are some hard truths of life?

  1. the bad people are usually at the top and bottom rungs of society. the smart ones go to the top and the dumb ones to the bottom.

  2. Life isn’t fair. Some people will have to struggle their whole life while others will have everything handed to them. It is what it is

  3. There is no “objective morality” and reality exist outside of all morality.

    (overexaggerated example) Physics does not care if someone thinks that gravity is fat shaming. Because physics is not an entity – it’s just a mental to *describe* reality not to morally judge. Physics just are.

  4. Nobody except maybe your parents wants you to succeed. In rare cases you might have the right friends but 99% of the time, they will be subconsciously (or consciously) upset they are not matching up to you.

  5. Thunder only happens when it’s raining, and players only love you when they’re playing.

  6. The world doesn’t care about what’s going on in your life. Have anxiety, depression, chronic pain or anything else at all? You’ve still got to go out and earn your way through life. I say this as a big advocate for mental health and hidden disabilities awareness.

  7. Hard work doesn’t necessarily pay off.

    Luck matters. There is no success recipe.

    You might never find the love of your life.

    Nobody really has a handle on anything.

    Your life is influenced by a lot of outside effects you have absolutely no control over.

    Education is important.

    Being kind requires very little effort.

  8. There is no karma, fate, or justices in life. There is no true guarantee it gets better if you stick it out.

  9. If you’re a man life isn’t fair, you will be undervalued and no one will care.

  10. You make your own worth to others, if your sad and alone no one cares, only you can stop that.

  11. No one is coming to save you.

    If you’re going to be successful, or escape your current situation, you’ll need a direction, a plan, and the determination to endure.

  12. Majority of nations you live in will treat you like shit because you’re a man, and worse yet, will tell you it isn’t happening at all

  13. Money will get you through times of no love far better than love with get you through times of no money

  14. Humans have always had to work to survive. There was never some magic time where we were all floating around in a lake all day, eating berries or whatever

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