So I like a girl that skates besides my gym. We shared some eye contacts and she even bumped into me while riding her scooter and smiled . I watch her skate everyday after my workout but still haven’t talked to her it has been one month. But now she is kind of ignoring me. How should I talk to her everytime I try to talk I get severe anxiety.

  1. Put one foot in front of the other in her general direction and when you are three feet from her, start opening your mouth and producing noises.

  2. You guys shared eye contacts… didn’t know people did that. What’s the worst case scenario? Some random stranger says she’s not interested and you can move on with your life without wondering what if.

  3. Maybe just stop thinking about million of scenarios that could happen and simplify to 2:
    1. She says yes, everybody’s happy.
    2. She says no, everybody moves on with their days with no regrets.

  4. Well, how would you chat with people? Why don’t you try to practice with people you aren’t attracted to first.

    Say “hi” to people occasionally.

    When you’re waiting in line with people, make some comment like “Man, this sure is taking awhile.”

    When the weather is notable, say something about it to the people around you.

    If you work, or go to school, be sure you make occasional comments and have little chats with the people you meet there. If you don’t have something that gets you out and around people, go volunteer or join a community of some kind. If you join an exercise group you’ll get double benefit.

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