im not very good at speaking with women but i had a hangout with a girl i am interested in not to long ago, she notice that my friends are the loud ones and i was the quiet one (she told me) but didnt seem to care also said she not used loud people (guessing this a good thing that i am quiet? lol). at the end of our hangout i kindly asked if it was ok to text her and ask for another hangout she said yes with suggestion of days that best suited for her, later that day i just gave a simple quick, thanks for the hangout message.

during the time after the hangout was i suppose to be texting her with conversation? i want to take my time and not push anything no rush i do like her and because i dont really know what i am doing i wouldnt pick up sign that she interested or not in me. my first hangout with her was getting food what should next hangout be? food again or activites i want to be comfortable around her so i can speak more and not be very quiet.


what do you guys think.

  1. You are supposedly in your late 30s but sound like a 13 year old. Okay so what’s your end game here? Hang out? Text? Have a sexual relationship? What do you want out of this woman?

  2. How about stop labeling it a hang out and start calling it a date. That’ll get your point across of what you’re after. If you say hang out she’s bound to think you want friendship only.

  3. Go get a drink with her, hit an arcade, give her a kiss on the cheek at least once by the end of the night

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