I broke up with my boyfriend two years ago, my friendgroup and his’ became one. After we broke up, my side of the friendgroup stopped talking to me, I don’t know why. So I was left with no friends.

Then I went to Uni and made 2 friends separately. Now I know that both of them are failing and are going to drop out. So in those 2 years I only met 2 new people and I couldn’t even call them friends, more like acquaintances and now they are soon to be gone as well (they live in another city).

I am scared to show interest in people and put effort into a friendship because I am always left alone. (I tried everything with the new people from uni but they were not that interested in me, probably because I got boring now?)

My only friends are my sister and parents and it is depressing seeing other people my age having fun with their friends.

Next year I want to study in the library, because it seems like a good place to find friends.

My problem is that I don’t know how I could approach someone without them feeling weird about it. I lost all my social skills, I used to be so talkative that I made friends out of anything and now I can’t even hold a casual convo for 2 minutes.

Or how should I even talk to someone that approaches me??

I get so shy and awkward now like I turned into someone else. And I feel like a boring person, but I was never like this, so I don’t get it.

Please help, I feel so alone, I want to have natural friends again, I leave my house like maybe 7 times a month?! that’s really not been healthy for my mental health these past years.

If anyone could share even 1 trick I would be so thankful

1 comment
  1. If you’re still at university, join one of the many social interest groups on campus. It’s an awesome way of meeting new people and have something in common from the start. For example, I’m into foreign languages, so I go to two language speaking groups. In addition to practicing the respective languages, we do all kinds of things afterward.

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