I(M30) and my wife F(25) have been married for seven years. We have a very good sex life, but I wanted to go about trying something new.

Both of us were virgins when we started dating. I lost mine at 22 with her, and surprisingly we’ve been doing the same. She says she’s fulfilled sexually and is still quite shy to trying out new things. I think it’s funny she’s still shy after all these years, and some things took time to try.

Nothing extreme, or even anything like anal. I tried giving her oral once while she was standing up and she felt uncomfortable and said that was something pornographic-esque(which I disagree but I totally respect her decision).

She says she wants to eventually ease into it someday and I absolutely understand her sentiment.

My question is:

1. For women, did you ease into something you thought you didn’t like before? What are ways your partner can be attentive and respectful when the time comes to try something new?

2. What are interesting new ways to spice up the bedroom with someone who’s comfortable doing vanilla positions, etc?

  1. So my advice would be to add alcohol. It lowers inhibitions and makes things like this feel more freeing. Go out get some drinks be romantic and go at it.

    Obviously don’t get her hammered and take advantage of the situation because that’s fucked.

  2. 1. Yes, we always eased into things. Like, cumming on my face – it took a while for me to get comfortable with it but eventually I didn’t mind.

    Now in the mouth is another story. I try, I really tried, but I just couldn’t get past the taste. Same with Anal, it’s wasn’t a one-off, I really put effort into it but I couldn’t. I must’ve tried a dozen times.

    2. We started role playing. That opened the door to some exciting and experimenting with different positions

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