I’d like to know what I should avoid doing or what I should do more of as I’m dating this guy.
Soo far we’ve been out together , played a couple games including games to know each other etc which are fine. But I’ve also given him a massage, we’ve been having sex, and I made his bed one morning cause I stayed the night.

Are there some things that I should avoid doing while I am dating him? Things I should do more of? I’m trying to do this right.

  1. Communication! Instead of going on here, you should straight-forward ask him about things you should avoid doing, what he wants you to do more, and you should tell him about things you want (or don’t want) from him too. Us random people can’t tell you what does he need or what does he dislike, only he can.
    Ofc there are some things you can universally apply to almost all men, but it’s usually obvious.

  2. Same advice. Open communication. Neither of you are mind readers and there is no standard guide for relationships.

    Good way to ball park it, I’d say reverse the roles. Ask yourself if it was you, is it acceptable, would I like that happening to me. With a grain of salt, we can’t be measuring people by our own standard if it’s unreasonable.

    And I’d say don’t neglect yourself. Trying to find ways to be a better partner makes you thoughtful but neglecting yourself to place a partner on a pedestal can lead to resentment. TLDR; communicate your needs and expectations.

  3. Do: set boundaries, own/uphold them, communicate, be respectful, make his life easier where you can, without allowing yourself to be taken advantage of, be a good listener, and *define* your relationship

    Don’t: cheat, lie, hit him, be afraid to speak up (about anything you deem important), add unnecessary or unwarranted stress

  4. Set boundaries don’t end up a door mat or end up doing everything for him from cooking to cleaning etc while he doesn’t do anything.

  5. Should never fart, ever lol.

    Jk, but really you just need to be honest and not try to hide much of your real personality. After all dating is about finding compatibility between two people.

  6. don’t freak out if he doesn’t text back immiediately

    encourage him to make time for his friends, that will go a long ways

    Don’t clean his house or anything that looks/feels/seems like mothering. Making his bed is nice, if he cares about it, but don’t clean his house. 🙂

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