What is your state’s equivalent of “Florida Man”?

  1. I live in Arizona now. It’s basically Florida man but with more skin cancer and meth.

  2. Lived in New York most my life so I’d say the toothless crackhead bobbing his head on the public train.

  3. I live in Florida. Arcadia is florida’s Florida. So I guess the answer is Arcadia man.

  4. I’m pretty sure Florida man is just an extended relative to the average Alabaman citizenry. 🤣

  5. *Gestures broadly toward Flint and Detroit*

    Not sure what they are called, but they live over there.

  6. A Trumper redneck with a pickup truck that has too many, ripped American flags on it. And Trump won, trump 2024 flags and stickers on every square inch of everything they own

  7. We have them…”West Michigan Man.” It’s basically Florida Man with a huge emphasis on bigotry and far-right politics.

    Context: A local township near Grand Rapids just defunded their Library in the 8/2 local elections to where it may have to close down, because the locals accused it of “grooming” their kids…by having a book with a same-sex relationship in it.

    During COVID, when y’all probably heard stories about parents storming school-board meanings and accusing schools of oppressing them for wearing masks…a lot of it probably came from West Michigan towns.

  8. Pallet People. They drive all over the city taking pallets from wherever they can find them, stack them 20 tall on a 1998 Chevy Cavalier and get on the Highway like it’s no big deal.

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