So I workout in a group fitness class. My head trainer is super nice and I enjoy having banter with him.

The first day I started he was actually not the trainer he was actually working out with us all and he was going on all the machines after me. (That’s how the class is set up but he was directly behind me.) he made a few comments saying “how strong are your legs!”
Totally innocent.
But I’ve now been at this new gym for over a week and everyday I’m there and he’s the coach he always sticks around the machines I’m on and chats to me and my sister (my sister is married with a kid) I notice me and him joke around abit more and I made a joke at the end of a session and he was beside himself laughing.
I also mentioned I wanted to do the 6 week challenge they offer and he said “yeah for sure do it and at the end we all get to go out for a big celebration and get drunk”
Then today I went in without my sister and he was just doing the workouts not training and I purposely waited for him to approach me to see if he would. He again was behind me the entire time and was using the equipment after me so at one point he caught my eye and straight away didn’t hesitate and leaned in to chat to me quickly between sets asking how I’m going etc.

Then at the end of the session everyone was heading out the door to leave and I was still in the opposite end. He came over to me and started chatting to me again while I walked back to where everyone was. He asked how I felt after the session and that he was glad to see I came in, then I asked how he felt after the workout and he said yeah sore, I’ve done every workout this week I’m working here tomorrow so I don’t think I’ll train” and I notice he leans in when he talks to me?

Is it too early to tell? Is there any ways I can get more hints if he’s into me?

  1. Just keep in mind there’s a very high chance you aren’t the first and won’t be the last client he tries to have sex with lol – when someone is willing to approach a stranger on the street or to hit on a customer or a client – there’s a much higher chance they are juggling multiple partners or do it regularly.

  2. Probably not really. Your a new client, his first job is retention. Part of that equation is getting to know you, and figuring out what will make you keep showing up. Making people feel like they are special goes a long way in getting you to sign up.

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