Like hobby or something you do when you are bored anything you do on regular basis

  1. Watch movies in my bed with my fiance. We don’t do it often so when we watch them in bed it’s the best

  2. Road trip on a long scenic highway either in a powerful V8 or a nimble motorcycle, if in the V8 have my dog with me who loves roadies and stands on the center console so that he can surf the highway and at slower speeds puts his head out the sunroof to feel the wind, pure freedom man.

  3. I think im one of the boring mens but it don’t bother me really. I love playing games.

  4. Fishing. Even when the only thing that’s biting are mosquitoes and the only thing I catch is a buzz, it’s not wasted time.

  5. Intense Mario Kart, Mario Party, and more battles on my Wii U with my wife and kids.

  6. At home I like to swivel in my computer chair and get my dog to howl.
    Out and about I love to go shooting. Go buy 40lbs of tannerite and go to our property and blow it up.

  7. I don’t work my second job on Tuesdays so when I get home from my morning job I’ll put my turtle beach headphones and lie in bed all afternoon listening to Pink Floyd

  8. Train jiujitsu, lift weights, walk my dogs, and take bubble baths.

    Yes, I said bubble baths.

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