Hey everyone. I posted here before around two months ago discussing a problem me and my girlfriend of 4 years were having. I asked her if we could see each other more often or try to call more often at least to maintain our relationship and if when we went on dates, if it could last longer rather than just grabbing dinner and going home on her part. This caused her to call for a breakup between us a few weeks after.
I haven’t really contacted her since I gave her most of her stuff back a month ago. I’m now kind of coming out of the depression /eating stage of a breakup and I’m starting to feel like I should have tried harder in the end even though I was really the one trying the most to keep us together it felt.
I’m just stuck at a crossroads of trying to contact her to maybe repair the relationship or moving forward to new relationships. I’d just like some advice on which route I should take and also how to start a dialogue with her to get back my stuff without seeming like an asshole.

Tldr; girlfriend of 4 years dumped me cause I asked her to spend more time with me and to treat me romantically more, feeling regret I didn’t try harder in keeping us together. Also, how do I start a dialogue to get my stuff back.

  1. She didn’t and doesn’t want to be with you, you should let her go and move on.

    If you truly need some stuff back (which I’m questioning given your other motives here), ideally you’d find a third party to ask her for it back.

  2. You need to move on. She’s lost interest. It sucks, but it happens.

    People change and she’s at the age where big life changes are coming as she approaches 30.

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