So you know you won’t have to worry about him sexualizing you

  1. Be friends with people who are mature enough not to assume you’re into them just because you’re attracted to their gender.

  2. If they aren’t asking you out or showing interest in you, there is no need to tell them that.

    Anyways, simplest way would be “sorry, you’re not my type”.

  3. If the question doesn’t come up or the conversation doesn’t move in that direction, DON’T!

    I’m a straight guy and I don’t walk up to women I have no interest in and tell them that. We just remain friends and it isn’t weird or anything. It should not be any different for you. Unless you are interacting with immature assholes.

  4. Just a thought so you don’t have to be direct: describe some guy that looks NOTHING like him & say how hot he is & say “that’s my type”. You can say you have a crush on him even 🤷🏻‍♀️just a suggestion. Or say “I’m so glad we’re just friends & don’t have to worry about sexual tension” while complaining about dating or something…not just out of the blue. 1 more suggestion lol: say “I’m so glad I found you. You’re such a good friend/you’re so fun (insert compliment here) I’m glad we don’t have to worry about sexual tension between us”I hate hurting my friends feelings too so I always try to word things nicely…unless they offend me then i don’t give a fuck lol

  5. This is to all gay or bi dudes out there if he thinks u find him attractive thats cause hes thinking to himself well atleast someone cares not cause he genuinely thinks your into him its all self dillusion to help him deal with his loneliness

  6. Why does this require a conversation?

    I don’t go up to women like “Hey just so you know I’m not sexualizing you. There now you don’t have to worry”

    And even if I were his type, unless he’s actually making moves of some sort, why should I care whether or not he sexualizes me in his head?

  7. You could just tell him that you feel like you might be too homophobic or immature to be friends with him so it doesn’t hit your ego too hard when he tells you that he probably wouldn’t fuck you with Don’s dick and Melania pushing

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