Have any men gone on a “technology detox”? If so, how did that go and did it result in anything positive?

  1. I try to at least a couple of times a year. I’ll head out on a week long camping trip or something and unplug. It’s nice, and does reduce your dependence on tech.

  2. I did it by myself and it was terrible. I ended up out of touch and behind on news/messages. I missed out on social stuff and drove myself crazy trying to find things to do to occupy my time. The result was me short circuiting from stress and sleeping for much longer. Playing catch up after I plugged back in just wasn’t fun either, but at least I knew how to manage that. I was bored out of my mind.

  3. I went without a phone for about 15 months. It was a little brutal not having a way to check on things when I wasn’t near wifi or be able to call people.

    But I survived.

  4. I do it from time to time. I like to spend some days camping and fishing without my phone. It’s always positive, you get to realize that you don’t need this shit to live and how pathetic the concept of social media is.

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