Me, I live in Belgrade. When I go on vacation I tend to go almost every day to the beach. My dad’s friend, who lived seaside most of his life, told me he would go swim a couple of times a year tops – the sea was always there, always accessible, but it didn’t interest him.
How do you view this? Does living right by the sea or close to it make it something ordinary, something uninteresting to you as well?

  1. I live by the sea in Scotland. When it’s warm in the summer, I sometimes run into the sea briefly but I’m not brave enough to really swim, it’s too cold all year round really. But some people do!

  2. I can’t say I used to live by the sea, I mean I did, but it was in a big city without proper beaches that were very near, and we had to travel an hour or so to our vacation home by the beach. We did go very often and my family loves swimming. But I know it from some friends who are from Antalya where beaches are more accessible from the city, that as you said they are not overly interested and go a few times per year tops.

  3. I live 10 km from the baltic sea, but have never had a dip in it. I also have 50 m to a lake, but have never gone swimming in it. I don’t really like going to the beach.

  4. I’m Croatian and I actually don’t go that often even though I live close to sea and have a vacation place on the beach. I do go more during my vacation though!

  5. I live next to a river and I actually go for a swim a few times a week. Although water sometimes gets too warm during heatwaves.

    A friend of mine lives by the sea and he also goes for a swim quite often.

  6. It’s rare that it’s warm enough for it to be enjoyable really. I have a few times this year though thanks to our weird heat wave

  7. I live in Malmö, Sweden. During summers i swim almost everyday when its nice weather. I also spend alot of time on the east coast by the baltic sea, and do the same there.

  8. >Does living right by the sea or close to it make it something ordinary, something uninteresting to you as well?

    More or less. I used to go to the beach pretty much every day, all day long, as a kid and in my early teens with family and friends.

    Now I only go to the beach a bunch of times every year (maybe) and it has been this way for more than ten years. I also go alone, almost always.

    Haven’t been to the beach yet this year, but I’ll try to this month and the next, might even tan a bit after all these years.

  9. After a work day, I get back home at 18.00, 100 m from the beach, I remove all clothes and wear swim shorts, then a swim in the Tirrenhyan sea (40km south of Rome) its really a boost. of energy.

  10. When I was living in Gijón maybe 2-3 times a year. Because it’s cold as fuck. If it was the Mediterranean I think I’d go almost every day.

  11. Not from Europe, but I do live on the coast. I really don’t go to the beach often when it’s hot, and actually don’t like the beach tbh. That might be because I hate how the water here is not blue and crystal clear like the mediterranean.

  12. Define swimming. We don’t go too far into the sea because of the strength of the currents here.

    I do know people go to the beach in Denmark and go into the water, I don’t know about Sweden and Norway, nor about the countries on the Baltic sea. But I suspect that most European countries south of the Netherlands will visit the beach and swim a bit.

  13. I live on the Adriatic. In the city if I have a free minute I’ll dip my feet in the water off the main pier. The nearest place to take a proper dip is 15 minutes outside the city centre and I’ll try to go once or twice a week when it’s warm enough. In the winter I’ll at least get my feet wet once a week.

    Anyone that lives on the sea and does otherwise is insane and of dubious character.

  14. Not the sea, but I live close to former parts of the danube river which are now recreational lakes/slowly flowing rivers – I go for a swimm several times a week in so hot weeks like now

  15. Not as often as I’d like. I prefer going with my friends, but it’s not always that easy, plus in the summer it’s always a major hassle to find a place to park.

  16. On a warm summer: weekly. I can’t stand just hanging around a beach though. It’s too boring.

  17. I lived the first 20 years of my life 3 m from the Mediterranean: until I was ~11yo, from May to September I often went to the beach and spent the afternoon in the water, swimming, diving or doing other water sports. Then I lost interest and even started to avoid the beach in July and August. Now I dive many weekends but only in autumn and winter. You know, when you get used to something it stops being special

  18. Listen, you either get in the sea and swim, or you are a big wuss 😀 in summer you just go in the sea, in winter you have to saw out a hole first. Either way, very refreshing! The Baltic gets to about 20-23c in summer, more than enough to take a nice dip on warm days. Under 15c is my cut off point for swimming.

  19. I often used to swim in the German North Sea during summers when I was a kid. Nowadays I don’t do it anymore, murky water where I can’t see shit makes me feel uncomfortable.

  20. All the time. Denmark is essentially an archipelago, so the sea is always within reasonable distance. But of course, people living a bit inland won’t go as often as coastal Danes.

  21. I live 30km off the black sea and usually go to the beach during summer. The water is not nice tho, a lot of critters and algae

  22. I live in a sea-side city with nice beaches I can walk or take the bus to.

    I haven’t gone to the beach at all this year, and only a couple to a swimming pool (and once it was to my gym’s swimming pool after a training session).

    I don’t like going there much myself, but my ex also lived near the coast and would go to the beach almost everyday, usually with me following along.

  23. I live in Spain 2 mins from the beach on foot and I go often, at least 3x a week. In the summer, I try to avoid touristy times and go during siesta. And In the winter I go everyday to let my pup swim in the ocean! Idk I love the beach and have lived seaside my entire life, it’s never been ordinary to me..

  24. Try to go at least once a week from the end of May ’til November. Otherwise the water temperature drops below 10C which makes it less craic and more laden with tears. End of September is my favourite time for it when I try to go daily.

  25. During the summer I would go swim as often as I could. In August especially, since that’s when I’d be on vacation; I’d go almost everyday and spend the full day at the beach, alternating between swimming and napping.

    But in Portugal you can usually go swim already in spring, you don’t have to wait for summer. Too often I’ve gone to the beach only for relaxing with a book (because it’s spring, ya know?), and then be too tempted by the water and end up having a swim.

  26. I live about 500 m from the Baltic Sea (Gulf of Finland) and try to go whenever the sea temperature allows it, which for me is above 18 degrees. I think around 20 is the sweet spot, warm enough but still refreshing – when the water was around 25 degrees during the heat wave in June, it wasn’t enjoyable anymore. I consider myself very lucky to be able to just take a towel and walk to the beach whenever I want, and would definitely seriously consider moving further away from the coast.

  27. Live in Jersey. Surrounded by sea. Hell, parents live right on the beach and the sea used to come within 5 meters of my old bedroom window on high tides.

    Never. Hate the beach. Hate the sea! 😀

    EDIT: Love the view and watching it though.

  28. Well I don’t like by any proper beaches but there’s many lakes and I swim maybe 3-4 times a week.

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