Teens f and m and we’ve only had sex with each other a few times and they’re his first times.

I find when he’s fucking me he won’t look at me, well no he’ll look at my face but half the time is seemingly looking at nothing like into space or some shit.

And it makes no sense because my ex and other guys I’ve heard so they absolutely love watching it slide in and out and the way it looks gripping their cock. But it’s like after the initial insertion he doesn’t want to look down there. Is my pussy ugly to him?

  1. If it’s his first time then maybe he’s self conscious, or embarrassed, or maybe uncomfortable? It might be worth sitting down and talk sing to him about it. And don’t compare him to your ex’s, that’s shitty

  2. Girl you have to stop making assumptions. Some people like looking their partner in their eyes, some like looking at the body and some just fade out.

    Don’t compare your partner to your ex.

    And none of this indicates that he doesn’t like ur pussy.

    Communicate with him.

  3. He is probably trying not to cum early so you can have pleasure. So he is avoiding getting overstimulated by looking at your pussy.

  4. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) a little presumptuous are we! Eye contact is weird for some people. And maybe staring at genitals is not his thing. Maybe the physical sensation is what he is focusing on.

    Not all men are uniformly the same.

  5. I also never watch it slide in and out, in all honesty it has never crossed my mind to do so. Has nothing to do with my girlfriend’s pussy. I just prefer to see the pleasure on her face.

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