For context I’m a 23F and the guy I’ve been seeing is a 23M

I’ve been seeing (not in a relationship) this guy for a couple weeks and at first it was going really great but historically I have men become obsessed with me and start acting out really quickly so I never really get to experience a honeymoon phase. I found his reddit recently and I saw a lot of things that made me uncomfortable as he was posting misogynistic things behind the backs of the girls he’s dated in the past six months but when I talked to him on the phone he said he changed and said he won’t do that with me.

He already had two posts where I was being bashed on about things that weren’t even problems to me he just jumped the gun. Seeing it made me feel like he enjoyed people say mean things about me since it got so popular.

I confronted him and then he deleted his reddit. I’m not a fool, I know he probably won’t change but this has been so difficult for me.

After eleven days of knowing me he implied twice he finds me unintelligent, called me bitchy, told me he loved me and wanted to marry me right away. He was a little drunk but I still feel disrespected.

I get confused because when he talks to me later about things he’s said to me he’s really good at making me feel heard and wanting to work on it but I can’t tell if he’s just saying whatever he can to get me to stay. I don’t understand why someone would act so intensely after two weeks.

He’s said he’s only been in healthy relationships and this is the first time he’s acted in this way when dating but this is unfortunately the norm for my dating life so idk if I should just accept this is how guys act with me.

My friends have seen and heard the things he’s said and they don’t approve and I feel so stuck.

He’s willing to talk things out with me but three days out of the 17 we’ve known eachother have already been so difficult. I don’t know where my head should be at.

Also to the guy this is about, if u see this, hi.

  1. Date more mature; doesn’t mean they will be perfect, but you’ll feel more comfortable

  2. >when I talked to him on the phone he said he changed and said he won’t do that with me.

    Yet, he did. No coming back from that imo.

    What is done counts 10,000,000 times more than what is said.

  3. Tbh no. Not worth it. It hasn’t even been a month and this guy is already calling you names and being mean by bashing you on here? Not cool at all. Inexcusable. I think you should end this before it turns into a real relationship and you feel even more stuck

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