How high of a body count is too high for someone you’re dating?

  1. As long as you’re clean i couldn’t find a fuck to give.

    “You don’t trip off the women that came before you, and I won’t trip off the guys that came before me.”


  2. The last time I was single my standard was they had to be in the same ballpark as me.

  3. More the better. It’s important that she can lay down cover fire and hit her targets. If she has a higher body count I can trust her to have my back when the shit hits the fan.

    Oh. You mean body count in the bedroom? Who cares?

  4. 10. I’m still in my 20s only ever been in 1 relationship and my body count is one.

  5. I’m only 20 years old, so for dating for a serious relationship around my age, I personally don’t like anything over 4

  6. If she wants to be anything more than just recreational use, her number can’t be higher than half her age.

  7. Number doesn’t matter. How she reached that number does.

    Her behavior matters, if she’s cheated, lied, had sneaky links, then complete deal breaker, doesn’t matter if her number is 2 or 299.

    If she was honest with all the partners, and didn’t play stupid games, then no issues.

  8. High body count and i’d trust her to get bored of me in due time, therefore pass

  9. I’d prefer lower, only because mine is low.

    Realistically, it doesn’t matter that much. I care more about the person being loyal to me.

    Also, some people lie about their body count so… you may never know their true number

  10. I dont have a specific number in mind but if I suspect that they’ve slept around a lot that is a dealbreaker for me now (31 years old). Ive dated and had several friends with “a past” and to a person I think they are all coping with mental health issues by escapism and have a ton of baggage. So nah, I’m good.

    If you were hiring for a job and an applicant only had a month of experience with all their past jobs you would seriously think twice about hiring them. But with romantic relationships you’re supposed to convince yourself that consistent trends of behavior dont matter. That doesnt make sense to me

  11. Funny how so many ppl say it doesn’t matter and then later find out it does. If your girl has had 50 partners, whether it’s one night stands or relationships, that is a huge red flag. On one hand she treats it casually and will probably get bored of you and cheat or leave. In the other scenario, she is the common denominator for 50 failed relationships. Good luck trying to turn a hoe into a housewife and then finding out 10 years into your marriage that you were cheated on.

    The answer is that the max count depends on age. 5 at age 20 seems reasonable, 10 at age 25, 15 at age 30, etc. A healthy amount of experimenting is okay but you don’t want the town bike. A lot of jerkoffs will say it doesn’t matter but then use the girl for sex with no actual intention of getting married because it secretly does matter to them. Go figure.

  12. Are we all going to just sit here and pretend it isn’t the man that does the majority of the work in a sexual encounter?

    That the pressure is not mainly on a man to be “good” if not great in the sack? A girl spreads it..and the man does all the work. Lest there be oral involved than it should be shared duties.

    Ask yourself how much practice either job should take.

    There’s your answer…

  13. Honestly, I’d be more concerned about the quality than the quantity. I can gain more of an insight into her self worth and personality from knowing who she hooked up with rather than how many. for instance, a girl who hooked up with 20 different medical students in college when she was young (not at once), that’s no big deal. A girl who has 3 ex boyfriends in jail and hooked up with 5 gang affiliated drug dealers? much more of a problem for me.

  14. the number doesn’t matter as long as she hasn’t slept with guys without dating them at least for me… just bc i wouldn’t do that & i prefer to date someone that feels the same

  15. The number doesn’t really matter, but if it’s a very high number then it will lead me to believe that for that specific person, intimacy doesn’t really hold any value or mean much past getting one off.

  16. A high number can single a posible lack of commitment from her. It can mean if there is a rough patch she’s gone. This could mean she’s lacking in communication and conflict resolution skills.

  17. “Body count” doesn’t matter. Just as long as they’re loyal and respect the boundaries of the relationship and meet my emotional needs, I’m good. Relationships have no room for jealousy, it’s a cancer that will doom the relationship you have with that person.

    They say there’s no such thing as a stupid question, but they probably never heard this one

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