Finished my degree and have a few job offers lined up, but I’m anxious about moving out for the first time and all the responsibilities that come with it, and I’m having trouble committing to an offer. I won’t be able to see my family as much which sucks and I think it will be rough to meet new people on a social level as I don’t socialise much. It feels like my life has been on rails for the past few years, but now it seems really ambiguous and uncertain. I feel like this might impact how I go and present myself at a more professional job than I currently have as I have this cloud of anxiety.

I know this might sound stupid, but I think I am becoming more of an adult (?) due to this and taking on more responsibility for my life. This feels like a massive step and change in my life, and I’m a little terrified of it. Can anyone relate or offer some advice?

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