At my local wholesale store (BJs) there is a man that is always there trying to sell some type of item or subscription service. I don’t want to even give him the chance to start his elevator pitch, but I also don’t want to be mean to a service worker. How do you handle this?

Lately I’ve just been pretending to be on the phone as I walk pass him or I will walk through a different (but out of the way) section to avoid him. The first time I passed him he started his pitch and I interrupted him saying “Hey, I am here for literally one item and I am in a rush. I am not interested.”

If someone solicits me at home I for some reason don’t mind being more blunt with them, but at stores I struggle. Also, sometimes I get surprise solicitation at a fair or park for groups and I’m just not interested in giving them the time of day.

I’ve tabled before. I know how awkward it is to be shot down dozens of times a day.

  1. I tend to go with a ‘no thank you, have a great day’ because I’m not interested, but it’s their job and I don’t have to make their life miserable for doing their job.

  2. sorry no thanks dont even stop walking

    its a bullshit gig nobody wants what they are selling, if nobody buys then they will stop doing it

  3. Best way is to NOT be kind. I’m going to teach you four very simple words which, when pronounced loudly and proudly, scare off even the most nefarious of solicitors….


  4. If you don’t look them in they eye you can pretend you never heard their intro

  5. It really depends for me.

    If I were in a clothing boutique where it’s literally expected for the clerks to approach you and ask if you need any assistance *(I’d simply smile, thank them, and tell them I’m fine)*.

    If however you’re referring to those pesky charities & organization that congregate around mall entrances and supermarket fronts *(I’d just smile at them as I briskly walk past them)*.

  6. I had this wwf guy skipping over to me one day and I just went ‘I love your enthusiasm! But I’m not interested’

    He smiled, looked over his shoulder, saw a guy coming from the other side and I said ‘and that guy is my husband, who’s also not interested’ xD

  7. Duuuude I do this job because I was SCAMMED into it. It’s all about home improvement so say “I’m not a homeowner” and they’ll leave you alone. Sometimes they have 4 sales people at a time harassing the customers!!! Be nice to us though please, we hate our lives and literally make minimum wage.

  8. I try to think of it as doing them a favor, they don’t want to waste their time and energy anymore than I do! A smile and a no thank you should be enough, though I wonder if there’s a way to make him remember you and that you’re not interested? I wonder if you started greeting him as though he’s just a person you see semi-regularly instead of a salesman, he’d start seeing you the same way?

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