What’s a useful ‘cheat’ you learned to help you remember something? 💭

  1. Phone calendar and notes. I had to force myself to check the calendar and notes daily though which was a problem at one point but now I’m on top of it.

  2. When you need to remember a number combination think of famous sports jersey numbers


    Tom Brady, Patrick Mahomes

  3. If I want to remember something I write a 6 minute Prog Rock song about it then listen to the song over and over again until I never forget it.

    LK – mostly I use flashcards to study.

  4. Back in the day, basic medical treatment triage in the Army was “Really Big Boobs Should Fill Both Hands”

    Head injury

  5. I tell my phone to remember it for me. I long ago stopped trusting my own mind, especially on the things that matter.

  6. Remembering what months have 31 days by counting your knuckles and the spaces in between. On a knuckle is 31 days and space in between is less than 31. Start on one hand on the knuckle, that’s January 31 days, the next space in between is February (less than 31), get to the next knuckle march, next space in between April, knuckle may, in between June, knuckle July, next hand knuckle August, in between September, knuckle October, in between November, knuckle December.

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