So it’s basically, I don’t have any freaking friends. Like for real, and it’s just when I start to think they are my friends, I come to know they are not. Everyone is drifting away from me. It’s like it’s continuous realisation that they don’t like me and just hang out for the sake of being there. And it’s eating me from inside. Really feels like I don’t have anyone. What should I do?

  1. Find an activity you like, fing a group that does it, do that. Be kind, listen and you’ll make friends.
    Most likely you get in your own way by putting yourself down and preventing yourself from Being open and available.

    Go to a therapist, they can help you with this. What have you to lose?

  2. Hey, I hear you. I feel like every day I hear about people who have “friends” who don’t act like they care about them at all, make no efforts to hang out, and just generally aren’t all that friendly. I know I also feel the loneliness of not having true friends.

    At the end of the day, as long as you can confirm you’re not the problem, then those people were probably never your friends to begin with. At least, they don’t sound like people you’d want to be friends with.

    As far as know, you got to just keep putting yourself out there, especially by participating in hobbies and interests through which you might meet people you have a lot in common with. And try not to let it wear away at your self worth. People aren’t that good at socializing these day, and that is not a reflection of how likable you are as a person.

    Good luck out there. Loneliness is such a hard thing to deal with.

  3. I haven’t had friends for most of my life. I’m 27 now, I doubt it’s gonna change. I used to think of killing myself a lot but I think I’ve pretty much just accepted being alone at this point. Therapy doesn’t help, I’ve tried hobbies, it didn’t help either

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