My now ex wife and I have been going through a divorce for roughly a month. I left her because she was abusive and controlling and left most of my things behind when I did. One of the things I left was my wedding ring on our bathroom counter placed dead center to show I intentionally left it; that I was done. Long story short she hates me and has wanted nothing to do with me. Says we will be civil for our children, but we don’t need to talk to one another ever. Well, she mailed me some of my things since I had to move out of state to stay with family for the time being and out of everything in the small package she sent was my old wedding ring and a necklace she bought for me on our last vacation. I have been very confused and have asked her, and haven’t gotten a response yet. So, I’m hoping someone on here can understand why my ex wife,a Taurus, would send something she knew I wouldn’t want back to me.

  1. Because she didn’t want it. It’s yours. She’s sending it back to you so you can do whatever you want with it.

  2. Throw the astrology in a trash can. Then pawnshop the ring. She sent it to you, it’s your property to do with as you wish.

  3. Simple she doesn’t want it either. You’re over thinking it. It’s not a secret message or has any deep meaning. She gave you back your stuff, do with it what you will.

    Also, knock off the Taurus part it adds nothing to the post.

  4. You are making way too much out of this. Throw it away, give it away, whatever. Let it go. It’s just a worthless trinket, now. Stop obsessing over it.

  5. Because she wants to occupy your thoughts. These abusers want to be the center of attention always. If she was a POS, throw it away, don’t message her anymore, and move on with your life.

  6. Dude, you have a great opportunity here! Take the ring and necklace and (safely) turn up a torch and melt them down in front of a camera.

    the video and a short description could go viral on YouTube or TikTok or something. You can still sell the metal(not for as much as paid for) but who knows?

    BTW she is toying with you. She is telling she dosn’t want you or your belongings reminding her of you, and giving you the finger.

    good luck

  7. Because she’s controlling?

    As long as you respond to her outside of a lawyer’s office, she’s going to continue doing stuff like this. Sell the ring, put the money in the bank for the kids future.

  8. Either she doesn’t want it and doesn’t want to be responsible if you ever ask for it back, or she’s trying to get under your skin. Either way, just toss it and forget about it. There is zero benefit to you in any further contemplation on the matter. And don’t mention it or ask her about it.

  9. It’s never worth reading into things, take it at face value, she sent it to you, as it’s pointless for her to keep it.
    Sounds like you really need to talk things through with someone. Do you have friends that can help you in this regard? It’s not easy, but it does eventually get better.

  10. If you don’t want it, toss it away yourself. Don’t waste time trying to figure out her motivation for mailing it.

  11. She didn’t want it. It’s yours to throw away or sell or whatever.

    Honestly think you are reading too much into it.

    If she hadn’t sent things that were “yours”, she might assume you’d be complaining or going to a lawyer saying she was petty. A half decent lawyer would tell her to send it and document it was sent so you can’t throw it in her face later There’s no “win” here for her either way.

    She only wants to communicate about the kids, now you’ve reached out about something outside that, why?

  12. She did it to you because you did it to her. You wanted to send her a message when you left it like you did. She returned the same message back to you. You’re done, so is she. Never mention it to her. If she asks, tell her you don’t remember seeing it in the box and must have tossed it in the trash.

  13. It’s not her ring. She doesn’t want it. You’re the one making a big deal out of nothing here, OP.

  14. I’m sorry, I’m fixating on the Taurus part. What does that have to do with anything?

  15. Don’t waste mental energy thinking about it, and for sure as hell don’t talk to her about it.

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