TL;dr this girl stoped talking to me to BE with another guy and Im not sure Im right for not talking with her again.

So what happened what that i met this girl at a party and we Started speaking and going out on dates for around One month. Then, in the June/July, she Started speaking much less until Im with a mutual friend and he says some other friend Said we didnt talked anymore. So i sent the girl a message asking if we werent talking, since i was not aware of that. And thats when She didnt reply.

I moved on and now, almost two months after, i decided to send get a message asking what the hell happened, because at the time She mentioned it was because exams, but that doesnt last two months. And She Said “exams and life happened” and that things Change. I asked what that meant and She Said that we were talking, then we werent and now we might again. I asked “might?”. And then She Said that first i needed to know that She was with another guy in the meantime. I replied that if She did that once She might do that again, and nothing more, and She replied that She understands. The thing is, that i have too, and theres nothing wrong with her doing that because we werent in a relationship, what bothers me is that She stoped talking to me for this other person. And now Im not sure Im just being an idiot for not continue talking with her for this or if Im right on not wanting to be a second option.

  1. If she wanted to be with you, she’d have ignored other dudes and stayed with you. Her half-a**ed answers and general behaviour clearly show, that she doesn’t respect you.

    Half some self-respect and move on. If she’s playing around like this, she’s not worth bothering with.

  2. I concur trying again with her would be a waste of time. If she was that into you, she wouldn’t have gotten distracted by another guy.

    Also now you know for future reference “Life happened, things change” means they started being intimate w someone wise.

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