Before I moved to Boise from California I had never once heard of it. The first time someone asked if I wanted fry sauce I thought they meant ketchup. Turns out fry sauce is like a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise, it’s really good actually. Literally every restaurant here will give you fry sauce if you ask for it. Whereas in California if you ask for fry sauce they’ll look at your like you’re an alien. I’m wondering if this is just like a northwest thing?

  1. Yes I have heard of it and eaten it many times, but I am from Idaho. As far as I know, it is not as popular in Seattle.

  2. From Utah šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøpretty sure thatā€™s where it started! At Artic Circle to be exact. And YES, very popular. And itā€™s rare to find anywhere else. Sonic is the only food place that I have found outside of Utah/Idaho that has it.

  3. Almost every region of the US has some form of unique cuisine. You’ve got clam chowder, crabs, stews, different types of barbecue, certain chilis, Tex-Mex, Cali-Mex, etc.

    But in the Pacific Northwest, they mixed mayonnaise and ketchup.

  4. I have heard of it and they do have it in California IIRC Heinz makes it but they call it mayochup or something similar.

  5. I’m from California and only one place I go to offers something called “fry sauce” but it’s mayo and BBQ sauce. However, since I was a kid in the 70’s we’ve been making our own by mixing ketchup and mayo. It just never had a name.

  6. It’s a Utah thing. Utah things tend to seep into Idaho, and this particular thing has partially made it to the PNW. Other than that it’s a pretty big unknown.

  7. Itā€™s called ā€œFancy Sauceā€ per the classic American film Step Brothers released in 2008

  8. My parents called it special sauce but maybe they were just being funny. Washington state.

  9. We don’t call it by that name, but yes some people will mix mayonnaise and ketchup. It doesn’t exactly take a culinary mastermind to mix two condiments together.

  10. I just eat ketchup and mayonnaise on fries without giving it a name, since childhood at home. Iā€™ve heard of fry sauce but never had it before as an order.

  11. Somebody from Boise checking in. It’s actually pretty common in northwest.

    Throw a bit of horseradish in to give it a kick.

  12. I have heard of people doing that with fries, and have heard of fry sauce, but I don’t think people really call it that here.

    Mayonnaise mixed with ketchup is just Russian dressing to me (minus a few spices). Throw some sweet pickle relish in there and you’ve basically got Thousand Island.

  13. Well, Heinz sells it as mayochup in Kroger here around me in the Indianapolis area. I havenā€™t bought it, but I will mix the two together and add a little garlic powder to it for fries and/or burgers.

  14. Iā€™m from the Midwest and had not heard of ā€œfry sauceā€ but it turns out pretty much everything referred to ā€œspecial sauceā€ on burgers or dipping sauce is very similar to fry sauce. Ex. Caneā€™s sauce is basically fry sauce

  15. In NJ the pizza places have a “California cheese burger” it’s got bacon tomatoes onion lettuce and a mix of mayonnaise and ketchup.

  16. Fry sauce is in just about every fast food place in Utah. I have been nowhere else where they knew what it was. One time I saw someone mixing ketchup and mayo and I said, “Hey, fry sauce.” and they went, “What’s fry sauce?” not tealizing the very sauce they were making was fry sauce.

  17. Yes, itā€™s available in stores, and no, it isnā€™t a popular option. You peple out west scare me.

  18. I’m from Utah so hell yes I know what fry sauce is. It’s the best!! I’ve lived in the PNW for awhile and most of my friends here think it’s gross. I don’t understand, it’s amazing. Especially when you add other herbs and stuff.

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