I heard it was banned and you can only find them in imported stores? Is this true? Btw, Digestive Biscuit is made by UK company McVitie’s.

  1. They aren’t banned, it’s just that digestive biscuits aren’t really a thing here so there’s no market for them.

  2. Not that brand, but we have similar products here, with more appealing names than “digestive biscuit.”

  3. We have them in supermarkets in the foreign section, next to the wine gums and spotted dick. And HP Brown Sauce.

  4. In the US, I have seen them in British sections of shelves at some supermarkets, at stores such as World Market, and at specialty stores where they sell international candy and cookies.

  5. They can be found if you look for them, they’re just not everywhere. Someone mentioned World Market and they def have them. At a place I used to work (lots of international tourists) one of the snack plates included them. I’ve also found them at places like [this](https://www.yeoldekingshead.com/gift-shoppe-and-bakery) which is probably fairly predictable.

  6. I’ve heard of digestive biscuits but have never heard that brand name. No idea how available they are.

  7. I’ve seen digestives in British sections of grocery stores, but I don’t know enough about them to know brands. I have a hard time believing something as innocuous as a flat cookie type food item would be banned.

    Digestive biscuits aren’t a thing here. If I’m not mistaken, it seems like something closely tied to British tea culture, where you have something on-hand to dip or dunk or eat with the tea. From an American perspective, I can’t help but quote a comment I saw on Reddit I’ll never forget – “digestive biscuits sound like something I’d give my dog if he ate a crayon.”

  8. They’re not banned, but if they were, you wouldn’t be able to get them at any stores.

    Digestive biscuits aren’t a thing here.

  9. They’re available, but not all that common. We have graham crackers which are the same flavor, different shape.

  10. I don’t know what brand the grocery store has but there’s one brand.

  11. I know what digestives are but I’ve never had one. They sound immensely unappealing.

  12. They’re not banned, they just aren’t that popular. For anything digestive, we already have a lot of bran products (cereal is most common, but also muffins). Not sure that cookies (what you call biscuits) would be a natural choice for us.

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