I’ve been seeing a number of joint dating accounts lately. That’s probably not the right term, but I’m talking about two people one one profile. Every profile Ive seen has been two women, and I used to think these were women looking for a threesome, or more commonly, a scam account looking for your money. What’s interesting is some of these profiles now say they aren’t lesbian/gay, but are looking for a double date.

My first question is, *other than obviously looking for a double date*, is there a reason people are doing this?

One profile matched with me and the girl told me she thought I was perfect for her, but unmatched when she asked me if I had a single friend for hers, and I said no. If you’re single and want to date someone, why close off potential interactions because they don’t also have a candidate on standby for your friend? What if we go on the double date and our friends like each other but we don’t? And doesn’t a double *first* date make it reallllllly hard to learn about someone?

I guess I’m just looking to understand what people are envisioning or looking for when they make accounts like this – thanks!

1 comment
  1. I’ve never come across this before but if you are new to online dating as a woman it can be scary so in a way I guess it makes sense to do a double date (though very confusing for the person looking at the profile)

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