I’m going to be a senior this upcoming school year and I do not have any friends at my school.

9th grade year, I had 3 friends. Two from middle school and one that I met during the school year. I consider all of them actual friends because I actually speak to them outside of school.

Then, second semester of my 9th grade year, I moved to another state. I didn’t make any friends because I was only at the school for a month and a half before Covid hit.

My sophomore year, I transferred to my third high school and that school year was virtual so I couldn’t really make friends anyway.

My junior year, we were finally back in person. I didn’t make any GENUINE friends. The only time I spoke was in drama class, since you have to speak in that class. I’m pretty shy, so I don’t speak unless spoken to, and no one speaks to me.

I would always eat lunch by myself and always worked alone in class while everyone else had a partner.

I did get a job at McDonalds’s and I hoped that it would help with my social skills since I’d be dealing with customers. But not much has changed, I’m still very shy and awkward.

School’s about to start in a couple of weeks and I’ll be in New Horizons (a career program). I’m hoping that I can make some friends there at least.

I probably should’ve did some type of extracurricular or a sport but it’s too late for that now.

And I don’t plan on going to prom. You don’t need to have a date for prom, but you’re gonna at least need a friend group. And i don’t have that

  1. Too late?

    My friend, you havent even graduated high school yet, you are just starting.

    Try to work on your shyness, if you dont ever speak unless spoken to, you will have trouble making friends, because people think you arent interested in them. I believe Dr. K has a video on this subject, titled that exact thing, “I dont speak unless spoken to.”

    Try to approach some people in your new program and meet some friends.

    Also dont worry too much about high school friends. Yes it may be painful now but along the road it wont matter as much. 10 years after high school and I talk to only a handful of people from there. You will meet the more meaningful people later in life.

  2. Hey so you could maybe try this. With your new class don’t try to talk to just one person, maybe just introduce yourself to the class as a one time thing. It’s never to late to make friends. You could also try and aquire items that you could display that express your interests or show that you have moved a lot. That could prompt a more extroverted person into starting a conversation with you.

  3. Hey so you could maybe try this. With your new class don’t try to talk to just one person, maybe just introduce yourself to the class as a one time thing. It’s never to late to make friends. You could also try and aquire items that you could display that express your interests or show that you have moved a lot. That could prompt a more extroverted person into starting a conversation with you.

  4. HEYY as going into senior year also, I also don’t believe I have a friend group either. Everyone has knew each other since elementary school and I was pretty quiet so I didn’t get to know anyone. Also too late to join extracurricular or sports with not much motivation. My problem is a little different bc I’m too selective w who I call a friend. Honestly.. I’m just waiting for college so I’d be able to start over my social life-

    Something I noticed last year was that when I’d make more extroverted friends, it would lead to me meeting or connecting with so many more people. Another thing is try not to think of everything as “awkward”. I know ppl who point out and say “awkward silences” it’s really off putting bc there exists such a thing as comfortable silence. Really being comfortable with the conversation stopping for a little before picking it up- I think of it like if someone’s yawning after talking. Try to act natural/normal,approach ppl, and sometimes but rarely can attract someone to want to be your friend. Also it definitely takes practice to act natural. Just think of this last year as your test run since prob won’t be seeing anyone after u all graduate.

  5. Yes it is too late. I’m sorry. No one in the history of the world has ever made a friend past 9th grade, or about 14-16 years old.

    No adult has ever made a new friend. 😔 It is considered impossible by modern science. All those people in military, who serve together for years- not friends. Not even close. All those people at churches, and work, and in clubs… how they wish they could be friends, given how much they might have in common or how kind they can be to each other. Sadly, no. There are no more friends.

    I am, of course, being facetious. You see how silly that sounds when you put it that way? Not only *can* you make friends, you *will.* Time just seems longer at your age, but lighten up. And keep trying.

  6. You might make friends in college. I didn’t (I didn’t make any in high school either) but there’s a chance you could.

  7. Yeah I moved around a lot growing up as a kid. Luckily my high school years were in one place and I didn’t have COVID. However, I still feel like I don’t have a core group of friends that people have like “oh we’ve been friends since kindergarten” sort of thing.

    What helped in High School was for me to try fitting in. I compartmentalized a lot of my interests. Like i play sports and was on the football/track & field team. Then I also really like building computers and playing PC games, so I had a group of friends who had LAN parties. Then I got into guitar and went to guitar club during lunch times.

    It’s tough but you have to keep trying and put yourself out there. People usually won’t approach someone who is silent by themselves. People see that and assume, “oh they want to be alone”.

    Have you considered joining any clubs? Does you drama class put on a performance for the fall and spring? I wasn’t in drama in HS, but I recall those kids having good friendships since they had to rehearse a lot together.

  8. Not at all. I’ve made good friends with people within the last couple years and I’m 32. Just need to not let yourself get complacent – be interesting (have hobbies, ideals, goals, etc.), don’t stay in your comfort zone all the time, and go where people are.

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