*So, first let me say I’m in the military overseas so most things in the states I don’t have*

Anyways, I recently have decided I’m going to go to the gym no matter what. I have PT tests I have to do and being in the looked at as being in the “lazy” military branch, this is the only way for me to get actual good physical condition.

I’m a tall young guy, 6’3”, 20 years old. I came weighing a total of like 148-149lbs. Now I weigh 167lbs. To me that nice. But I haven’t worked out as much for it to be muscle. I know some of it is fat.

Back in 2020, my BFP was about 6-7%. I do not know how to calculate my BFP accurately right now to help. I recently started eating chicken and rice, and like a ton of it. And I find myself eating MULTIPLE times a day now too.

I want to look good. Now super buff, not super skinny. In the mix. Kind of like Alex Eubank. Enough to wear you can see my muscles and see how hard I’ve worked. But not over doing it (and don’t hate me) but not looking like CBum.

I suck at running, so I’ve been doing some form of cardio before my workouts. (Elliptical or the stairs machine)

Basically, I just want to know, how do I work out and get bigger but stay lean and in a good physique. I don’t wanna do roughly 5 months of bulking and then shred, especially with PT standards and requirements I have to follow.

Any help would be much appreciated !!

  1. You would need to be very accurate and strict with your macro to reach what you want. That’s why most people prefer bulk and cut cycles because they are much easier to accomplish. Doing it your way without the knowledge and discipline will most likely lead to failure and then you’ll think that it doesn’t work. That’s why you often hear from people who claim they had the perfect workout and diet but never gained muscle or lost weight.

  2. You have much to learn. The process is exactly the same if you want to look like alex eubank or cbum. Go to gym, build muscle, loose fat. Only difference is the amount of muscle. You can’t look like Cbum. Period. He has godly genetics and he’s on steroids. It’s like saying oh you know I want to get good at chess, but not as good as Magnus Carlsen. Oh yea alex also possibly is on steroids, if not he def has superior genetics so dont hope to look just like him. Have reasnoble expectations or you will just end up dissapointed.

    Don’t focus so much on what you will look like and start slowly improving what you look like now.

    Now for the actual training advice, focus on the basics: squats, deadlifts, rows (any kind you like, i prefer cable as its easier on the lower back), pullups, bench press, shoulder press. 6-12 reps. Learn the form before using heavy weight. Log your progress.
    There’s much more to it and you should do your own reasearch if you want to get into it. Watch some yt videos. I reccomend Natural Hyperthrophy and Geoffrey Veriety Schofield. Rarely if ever seen those guys say nonsense. Jeff Nippard has scientific information on basically everything regarding fitness.

    Hope this helps, feel free to msg me if you not sure about smthin. Good luck

  3. >I want to look good. Now super buff, not super skinny. In the mix. Kind of like Alex Eubank. Enough to wear you can see my muscles and see how hard I’ve worked. But not over doing it (and don’t hate me) but not looking like CBum.

    You might not believe it, but looking like a multiple Mr. Olympia classic winner is quite difficult to accidentally do.

    [https://thefitness.wiki/](https://thefitness.wiki/) here is the wiki made for r/fitness and r/weightroom.

    Read through the basics, pick a program, and do everything it says.

  4. Sounds like you got your expectations set, now you should make a fitness routine that is sustainable for you that you enjoy. I suggest finding movements and exercises that you AREN’T good at, and get good at them. Doing things that you’re good at will make the workouts seem ‘easy’ and take away some of the challenge that would otherwise make you feel fulfilled. Once you get a good routine going, figure out roughly how many calories you exert (x) daily, and form your nutrition to be x+200 to maintain a mild caloric surplus to add SOME bulk without getting fat.

    If (when) you decide you need to do cardio, and running isn’t for you, and if bicycling is an option in your area then buy a bike and go on rides when you get the chance. It’s okay to sub a day at the gym for a day on your bike/hike if that’s what you want to do.

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