It’s been about 4 hours since our first date. I (29F) had an absolutely amazing time. It was honestly the best date I had ever been on in my life. He showed interest in me (at least I thought so) ie hugged me when he first saw me, payed for my meal, laughed, kept up the conversation, wasn’t on his phone at all, and even walked me to my car and it opened it for me. He told me to text him when I got home to make sure I was ok since I had a beer and felt a little loopy and told me to sit in the car til it wore off a little and even offered to drive me back but I insisted not to. But it’s been about 4 hours since the date and I haven’t gotten a text from him. Does this mean it didn’t go well for him? Do men always text first after the first date?

UPDATE: soo after much coercion (rightly so) from you guys, I texted him that night telling him thanks. He responded this morning saying the pleasure was all his and he had fun! Then I just sent a quick article to a reference we made over dinner to which he laughed and commented on and the texting exchange died down. I should mention he is in the navy and leaving in 4 days to go to another location for 2 months but will be back after. I checked his hinge profile and he actually just updated it to show the new location he’s going to. I know it’s irrational but I was still hurt nonetheless. I found him on Instagram and want to add him just so we stay in touch so he doesn’t forget me while he’s away but would that be too clingy? Especially since he’s kind of the one that let the conversation die down today and changed his location on hinge already.

  1. Dude oh my god he literally said “text me when you get home” and you left him hanging for 4 hours cuz “isn’t the guy supposed to text” wth?
    He’s probably thinking you aren’t interested.

    When someone says “text me when you get home” you should probably text them when you get home to show you actually listen and are actually interested.

    Text him

  2. He literally said “text me when you get home” and you’ve gone home and done nothing?

    He’s probably sitting there thinking it didn’t go well or somethings gone wrong because you haven’t texted him, if you like him text him like he asked; it’s not that hard!

  3. Omg that was so inconsiderate for you not to text him when you got home.

    Listen to what people say, please.

  4. Text him! If I go on a first date and ask someone to text me when they get home and they don’t I assume they are not interested in me. Also, the last time when someone broke up with me they did not text me when they got home.

  5. He literally said “text me when you get home” and you didn’t text him? He prolly thinks you’re ghosting him. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  6. I have a similar issue. A girl told me to text her, I didn’t, and I now haven’t heard from her in 145 days. Was she just not into me?

  7. Worried that you’re not mature enough for this guy. He asks you to text him and you didn’t because you thought it was a polite mind game? That he wasn’t being sincere? Jeeze.

  8. He’s literally thinking “I don’t want to text her first and seem like a weirdo.”

    He gave himself an out by asking you to text him first to make sure you got home safely. I really hope that within the hour of you posting this you’ve sent him a text that said something like “Sorry, I forgot to text you. I fell asleep.” Or some sort of white lie. Or maybe just tell him you didn’t want to be the weird one and text first. I don’t know, I’ve never gotten that far.

  9. dude… TEXT HIM BACK WHAT?! i get not wanting to text first but tbh it doesn’t really matter. it’s just texting as long as you’re not saying some outta pocket stuff i say send a text whenever you want. same goes for double texting, i don’t get why it’s bad. please text him back and let him know that you got home safe and that you had a wonderful time

  10. Are you sure you aren’t 19 and you put 29 by accident? You are glad he showed interest but in turn you just ignored him by not texting him when he made it a point to ask you to text him to make sure you got home ok. Lol I’m starting to think some of the other folks who commented are right, what kind of games are you playing?

  11. “text me when you get home”. What are you not understanding here…..

  12. Am I reading this right…Do I text him when he told me to text him?

    Ummm….yea. If you want to continue speaking to him. If not, then don’t. 29 is kinda old for this.

  13. I’m of the opinion that if a date went well, you damn well tell them. If they’re assholes, they’ll have an issue with it and disappear- and I’m sure you don’t want that in your life.

    You want someone who you feel secure enough to just text because you want to.

    That being said- man literally asked you to text him

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