I was at the beach yesterday. It was super hot so I decided to cool off by going to a bar later that afternoon. I went in and saw these two pretty girls as I was getting my drink. Feeling bold I started trying to scheme of a way to have a little fun. I knew there was a pool table and guys/girls were playing on it. So I asked if they had room for one more. They told me that I’d need a partner. Boom, there was my opening.

So I went to the two girls table and just introduced myself and asked if one of them would play pool with me? They’re sisters and the younger one (27f) pointed to her sister (28f) and said she’d play. So long story short I was able ti get both girls numbers and we all had a bit of fun meeting the drunk birthday group! I had fun and hope they did too. I had to leave and head home. Problem is that I don’t live there. I live 2ish hours away. However, my parents live there and I try to visit the area as much as I can. I told them that I want to stay in touch!

I texted both girls my number with my name. One of them texted me late that night saying hope I got home safe. So I replied I had a great time and asked where they ended up after since they girls were going to hangout with their friends. She hasn’t replied. Honestly, it’s only been a day plus I know I’m not the biggest priority so I’m not to worries about it.

Thing is that I’m interested. So I thought about double texting her later tonight or tomorrow. Just saying something like “hey I’ve been thinking about the bar. I know it’s not ideal living in x city but I’m interested in getting to know you better. I try to come to “your city” often and would like to see you again.”

I think it’s a long shot but you never know until you try. I felt like I liked the younger sisters personality better but she didn’t text me back so I think I have to go with the one who texted me back.

What do y’all think about this? How would you do it?

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