It’s like I black out and forget every socially acceptable skill I’ve ever learned. Even through text messages I’m a freak. What do I do if no one likes my “true self”? You can’t just “be yourself” when everyone in your life has told you that you’re an outcast. Or maybe I’m just a weenie

  1. Hey so, I would say if someone calls you a freak, it’s because they are close minded. If things you like are a tad unorthodox you need to realize it. YOU MUST STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF, that is a must. What you may need to do is have a better understanding of your audience or friends. 1 friend usually isn’t able to cover everything one needs from a friend. That why we usually have more than 1 friend. For me, I don’t talk baking with all of my “friends” just like to don’t talked cars or motorcycles with all of my friends. Everyone is different including you, finding that common ground between you and your friend is what enables your friendship.

  2. I really just think its about owning it, have you ever come across someone you find annoying but everyone else seems to be cool with their antics? If you’re weird and also outwardly self concious about it, it comes off as creepy.

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