Not sure the culture in your workplace but here people expect to treat others whenever possible. I for one against this. Not trying to be cheapskate here but I don’t wanna do it because someone forced me. The thing is, I can’t refuse. I’ll be seen as bad and I have couple months still before I go. This is just a rant so maybe someone can help reorientate my mindset.

  1. Man… I am so curious about how this came to be. Can you elaborate? Because I have never heard of this before. Is your coworker replacing you? Is it a high stress job? Did you often treat your staff to meals and she is one of your employees?

  2. Just say no. You aren’t being forced. No one has a gun to your head. And you’re leaving anyway.

  3. I have never heard of this before. I would usually go to lunch with various co workers. But I was never forced to take someone to lunch. What country are you?

  4. You can refuse and should pal. Not your fault she can’t handle quitting. That karen needs to grow the fuck up and get over it you never have to do anything you don’t want to do fuck her fuck the staff where you work and the company you work for. Lunch is something you treat friends to who deserve it and family not some 34yo grown up cry baby who doesn’t. As you say you will look bad but after the months and months of crap you’ve gone through couple more won’t hurt then you’ll be in a better place. Not sure where you live but if you can’t go without buying her lunch if you’re in America just buy her a sandwich or something form the dollar store you’ll have still bought her lunch

  5. Kindness is not an expectation and should never be treated as such. An act of kindness is not compensation, it is compassion.

    If she is asking for compensation and you choose to oblige. The amount spent is also yours to choose.

  6. Fuck them, fuck her, and fuck this job. You’re already quitting dude there is no “forcing” you to do anything anymore. If they want you to take her out they can fucking pay for it.

  7. I wonder if she likes you more than a friend which is why she overreacted to you leaving and is wanting to get you alone for lunch. If you have a girlfriend or don’t like her in that way then tell her you’re sorry that she’s hurt but you won’t be taking her out for lunch.

  8. Hey OP, I saw from your post history that you’re most likely from M’sia. Your neighbour from across the causeway here.

    Think you should set some rules for your colleague. Tell her you will be happy to have lunch together as a farewell thing, but if you’re picking up the tab, you’ll be picking the location. Then bring her to somewhere near and affordable for you.

    Please don’t give in to her entitlement. She can throw a tantrum for all she likes.

  9. You start crying too. Now it’s her turn to treat you as the “elder sister”. (I’m from Asia, too. You gotta play the game.)

  10. Every country or region has some stupid custom or tradition. But guess what? The longer people comply with it, the longer it lives on. Say no, and move on. There will be those who will call you out but you might be surprised how many people would actually tell you “good for you, I always thought this tradition is stupid”.

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