If America had a vote to kick one state out of the country, which state would get the FEWEST votes?

  1. South dakota

    I mean if you’re gonna yeet a dakota, north is easier

    And neither of the dakotas will be remembered by anyone anyway

  2. Probably any of the boring midwest states. People would be too focused on the major ones to care about them.

  3. Hawaii is a good one…

    But, all the known (or rather unknown) middle of no where states…

    This one is hard cause as long as its not one of the 6 states i can think of that they do want out… (florida, california, texas, washington, Oregon) then its a h8ge toss up.

  4. It would probably be a roughly 40 way tie. Almost all the votes would go to the states thought to be a liberal state or conservative state like California and Texas.

  5. Probably something like Kansas or Iowa. It’d be one of those states that nobody really cares about or just flat out forget about.

  6. Delaware. Yes the a President is from there but it is probably the least thought about state in the U.S

  7. I think it would be Wisconsin, simply because a lot of people probably can’t even find it on the map.

  8. Delaware, most people wouldn’t even know where it is or that it was a state to begin with

  9. Rhode Island, yeah we all know it’s a state but we don’t really care about that much to vote it out

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