I’m against going to war and wonder how other Americans feel about the situation. Our visit to Taiwan seems like a unnecessary provocation. I’d like for Taiwan to keep its independence but not enough that we start a war with China. I feel the same way about Ukraine.

What are your thoughts on the possibility of war? Would you go fight? Would you support a draft? Do you think the US is in the right by visiting Taiwan and not respecting China territorial claims?

  1. > What are your thoughts on the possibility of war?

    No thanks.

    >Would you go fight?

    Hard pass.

    >Would you support a draft?

    Harder pass.

    >Do you think the US is in the right?

    About what, specifically?

  2. Do i think that the US is in the right in thinking that Taiwan has a right to exist freely? Is that the question?

  3. I think other nations don’t get to tell us what allies our politicians can or cannot visit, but certainly do not want war with either China or Russia.

    To a sane person a visit wouldn’t spark a war, certainly not between nuclear powers, which is why it won’t. This is just whole lot of saber rattling by totolitarians and media fearmongering. In other words, just another day ending Y.

  4. Not good, obviously. I’m not keen to see millions of people die.

    I’d support a draft only if it were an existential threat and women were being drafted into combat roles at the same rates as men. Equality isn’t all good. You pay equal costs as well as receive equal benefits or it’s not equality, it’s supremacy.

    I have sons of draftable age and I’d gladly go if it would save one of them from going.

    I seriously doubt that China will start a war over this. They know the US navy can just block all their exports and imports with impunity. The Chinese navy is crap. They’d have no answer. China is so dependent on imported energy and food that such a blockade would kill a few 100 million Chinese within a year without the US putting a single boot on the ground. The sanctions on Russia are impactful to Russia but Russia is food and energy independent. The same sanctions on China would be terminal. They couldn’t survive them and they know it.

    I suspect that they did this visit to impact internal Chinese politics (I don’t know, obviously). Xi is up for reconfirmation and this will make him look weak to the hawks in the CCP. The hawks are is main support base. Xi has been a disaster for China and a disaster for Sino-US relations. I’m sure the US would like to see him replaced with someone more reasonable.

  5. No, I don’t want a war with China and Russia. Good God. They have nukes.

    I would rather we use our soft power to bring them to heel as much as possible.

    Russia is a paper tiger, as proven by Ukraine. China is headed for economic catastrophe in coming decades due to a massive demographic conundrum. In 25 years, about 2 in 5 Chinese will be pensioners, and right now they only have 1.1 births per woman. They’ll have much bigger fish to stir-fry in coming decades. Taiwan is the least of their concerns.

  6. I want peace, love, Kumbaya and flower crowns. I want everyone to get along.

    Unfortunately not everyone sees shit the way I see it.

    If war happens, I’ll do my part just like I did through the last 2 that I had loved ones fighting in. Since the military doesn’t want me, it’s “holding down the fort”. (One time almost literally, there was a tornado on Ft. Campbell…it felt pretty literal.)

    I’d definitely prefer it doesn’t come to that. I don’t want to lose more friends. I don’t want my daughter to lose more good men she’s known since she was a toddler or even guys she went to school with, she’s that age now where it could be both. It would be both.

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