My husband loves to see his pearl necklace on me, must be a guy thing?!?

He has said just wiping it off with Kleenex is enough, but I use a washcloth and soap. I’m afraid there’s a smell of you don’t wash the cum off.

What do you think or how do you clean up a pearl necklace?

  1. Not going to lie, I’ve never thought about it. If I am covered in cum after some fun, I usually just have a shower…

  2. Honestly you can always add small magnets on each Pearl allowing you to not only freely “rip” it off anytime you want but easily be able to find every pearl?

  3. I think your real question is “how do I wash off the semen?”

    * Use cold water. Hot water causes it to seize and harder to clean.
    * Semen is protein. So no, just a Kleenex is not enough. Any residue left on will eventually smell, horribly (if it doesn’t dry out. If it does, it will become crusty).
    * Soap isn’t a bad idea, but yeah, check which one is safe to use with pearls.
    * Don’t use chemical solvents (e.g. acetone)! It will dissolve the pearls!
    * Maybe next time, move the pearls out of the way?

  4. We normally clean up the bulk of the semen with a couple of kleenex, and than she gets in the shower, first with colder water and a litte detergent and all the cum is away. It’s not really a smell issue for her, but she doesn’t like the feeling of dried up cum

  5. i just use toilet paper even i honestly enjoy the feeling that im covered in cum

  6. LOL at this post. I just listened to ZZ TOPs Pearl Necklace on the way to work this morning. I often wonder how many people don’t know what its referring to. Or what a pearl necklace is.

    I usually just stay messy for awhile kind of wear it like a badge. He likes the way it looks marking me as his

    I usually do wash it off in the shower later.

  7. I think he should clean it off, it’s his mess. If a girl was into it, I’d clean it off her neck with my tongue, then later with soap and water while showering together.

  8. Super smeller here (yep.. it’s a thing – it’s called Hyperosmia);


    Sperm doesn’t smell that much, but yep.. i’d advise you keep on with the washcloth and soap. I would be able to smell it on you slightly if you only used kleenex (only if you were within 4 foot of me though).

    AFAIK, people with a normal sense of smell wouldn’t be able to smell it – it’s pretty amazing what normal noses miss tbh.

    I wonder if you might be a super smeller though – if you think you can smell it after wiping with a kleenex, it’s possible your sense of smell is greater than usual.. either that or he just smells strong (do onions and garlic or coffee feature a lot in his diet?)

  9. Not just a Guy thing, alot of Woman likes it to cuz its hot and sexy,
    But when u need to wash it of allways use rly Cold water cuz with hot water it Will be sticky af and almost Hard to get rid of it,

    Soap and Cold water 👌🏻

  10. I just use Kleenex. I’ve never noticed a smell – there is almost no residue left. But sometimes a wet wipe if needed.

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