I met my boyfriend of 11 months through my friend since middle school. My boyfriend also had been friends with her a few years. He was interested in her and had gone on a couple dates but lost interest after realizing she didn’t feel the same. after the date I joined them on I became closer to him since we started talking and hanging out. A few weeks later and we started dating.

two months ago, my boyfriend and my friend started talking a lot and wanting to hang out. He assured me they were just close friends. They started hanging out one on one together.
A month later I told him how I was worried feelings could develop between them. I had been very uncomfortable with all their talking and hanging out but I was still encouraging him since they were friends. He told me a bit later that he thought it was a 60:40 chance he would end up liking her, but after talking through things he didn’t see it really happening anymore.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, he told me he was pretty sure he liked her. We decided that they wouldn’t hang out alone anymore. Now, the feelings have developed while they haven’t even hung out once to where he really likes her a lot, more than just a mere crush. The thing is although he really likes her he doesn’t want to date her and he loves me as much as always.
Also he talked to her and it sounds like my friend also likes him.

The thing is he doesn’t want to stop talking or hanging out with her because they are good friends. At the same time, they like eachother.
What should we do?

TLDR; my boyfriend and our mutual friend like eachother. How do we work through this?

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