What piece of clothing have you held onto the longest?

  1. A pair of boots that I’ve had for 13 years, they’re perfect and no longer available to buy so I can’t get rid of them

  2. My dad bought me a cardie when I was 9/10 and I’m 41 now. I hated it at the time, it was never my style and I never wore it but I’ve kept it because it was from my dad. He’s not dead, I just love him loads.

  3. Button-down shirts from 10 years ago that I promised myself I’d be able to get back into after putting on a few pounds.

  4. I still wear the skirt I got for Easter portraits when I was 14.

    Unless we’re talking generational clothes, in which case I have some of my mom’s stuff.

  5. A pair of jeans that I’ve had since I was 12 (I’m early 20s now). They’re pretty comfy and in decent condition.

  6. I have a dress from high school that I wore a lot because my best friend, who is a man, called me pretty and said he likes it.

    It’s been over 12 years, I still own it and wear it. People sometimes compliment it and it remind me of the first day I felt pretty.

  7. That I actually wear? A concert t-shirt that I stole from my dad as a teen. The shirt itself is from the 70s and still going strong.

    The oldest is probably a dress my great grandma made to wear to country dances. She made it at some point in her teenage years, so it’s from the early 30s at the latest.

  8. I’ve had pairs of jeans for 10+ years, they still fitted me and they were fine so…

    I hold onto everything.

    They only time I get rid of clothes is when they shrink in the wash.

    Once my clothes have fallen apart I upcycle them into dog tug toys.

  9. My oldest band T-shirts has been around for 20 years. I also have a super pretty evening dress that I bought 13 years ago.

  10. A black pullover that says: I made it to 2006 and all I got was this lousy dystopian government

  11. My Lollapalooza shirt from 1991. I wore it to work a few years ago and a younger colleague complimented me on my “vintage” shirt and wanted to know where I got it. Uh…. I got it at Lollapalooza. In 1991. Because I’m old.

  12. A top that my grandfather had had someone hand sew for me when I was 13? I probably wore it once only (then grew boobs). But it was just thoughtful of him. I was his only granddaughter and I really wish I had known him better.

  13. I have a 15-y.o. tank top from Target that I still wear. It’s pretty threadbare at this point, lol, but it’s good to wear around the house and sleep in.

  14. Doesn’t fit:
    A Lilo and Stitch matching shorts and t-shirt. My mom wanted to keep it, but it’s in my room for some reason.

    Still fits:
    A sweater I bought for $4.50 USD at a power centre in a suburb of Buffalo, NY. I don’t even remember the name of the store. That sweater is better quality than it has any right to be.

  15. Ive had this one pair of dress pants since I was a teenager(in my 30’s now). Ive only worn them for special occasions. They still fit even though my weight has been up and down since.

  16. The best thing about having been a fat kid, is that I still have and can wear the sweater my Grandma made for me.

  17. I still have a dress from a formal dance in junior year of high school. I’m 31. It’s so beautiful I can’t help but hang onto it, even though it doesn’t fit.

  18. My great grandmothers wedding dress is still in the attic. Its over 100 years old.

  19. My mom saved a shirt that I wore when I was a toddler, and my son wore it last year, almost 30yo shirt lol

    edit: not clothing, but my dad bought a baby blanket for me before I was born, I still have it in good condition and used it for my son when he was a baby.

  20. Idk. It depends on what counts a long time, it would probably vary the older you are. So based off the length of my life (20 years) most of my current clothes, I can’t remember how long but it’s been a while. All my clothes are small in size so I rarely need new clothes as replacements because I don’t grow that much

  21. I still have my sixth grade field day shirt. They only had kid size XL’s left and washing has somehow stretched it, so it actually fits now. Dunno what brand they ordered from, but it’s the softest t shirt I own and I refuse to toss it.

  22. my grandfather gave me a nightshirt for christmas when i was 8. it’s has 3 reindeers singing ‘joy to the world’ on the front. since i reached my full height at 11, i am still able to wear it every christmas eve. i keep it in a vacuum bag during the rest if the year. i am 44 now and my grandpa died when i was 12. we were pals and it makes me feel connected to him even though he has been gone for so long.

  23. I have a jacket in my cub board and I have kept it safe because I wore that jacket at my first kiss

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