Just asking since media puts pressure on us to be really skinny. I’m 5’4 and 145 lbs and I feel like I need to lose at least another 10 lbs to begin to find myself attractive.

  1. Different men are into different kinds. Don’t put too much stock into what the media says.

  2. So are you happy with the way you look? I don’t think it matters what “most men” think is attractive. When you or anyone else is confident in themselves, that’s what’s attractive. If someone wanted me to be rail thin I’d drop their ass.

  3. Skinny in the sense that they’re thin, not a fucking Barbie doll with a waist that could fit through spaces a cat couldn’t even dream of. Just keep in good shape and don’t stress so much, work out a couple days a week, and don’t eat like shit.

  4. it literally changes for everyone. i love skinny girls. one of my friends likes fat girls. not even big girls just genuinely fat girls.

    same way half of you girls like henry cavill and the other half like dad bods.

  5. Some toned muscle and some junk in the trunk are preferable than a woman that has an ass of a little boy

  6. Personally yes – I specifically like tall skinny blonde women.

    My friend likes short chubby women ideally with curly hair.

    Another friend likes women however they look as long as they’re tattooed and insane.

    Basically everyone has preferences.

  7. Oh hell no. Where I’m from it’s the skinny women who get made to feel shamed for their bodies.

  8. The answer is in your question. You would only BEGIN to see a girl your height attractive at 135 or less. So that’s what you’re subconsciously noticing. It’s confirmation bias.

  9. Meh, skinny is cool but I prefer fit. At 5’4” and 145, you’re pretty well setup to get better looking if that’s what your looking for. Don’t worry about weight numbers, worry more about getting fit. On the road to getting fit, you may actually gain weight but your body shape will change and become more so what I believe your looking for.

  10. Guys can find a wide range of body types attractive. While some of us may like thin girls, others like them thicker. But a vast majority of us can find both attractive. To a degree

  11. Chic’s that look like pre pubescent boys don’t work for me any more then ones that are 60# overweight. Women need curves, boobs and butt and a fun attitude. 10# shouldn’t matter

  12. people have different tastes, if the men you’re into seem to like woman around 135 pounds then I see why you would want to lose the 10…

  13. No.


    Most men have plenty of wiggle room in their body standards. But 95% of guys are NOT interested in obese. And the ones that are tubby-chasers, do so because they want to have control over her since she’s likely low self-esteem because 95% of guys won’t even look her way.


    The real issue for girls and women is that media pressure paints a picture of “skinny” and then straight to “obese” with no ground in between. Leaving no ground in the middle.


    I will reiterate that as long as you aren’t obese, then there are many many men that will be interested.

    A secret tidbit for you women viewers of the sub: Men can love a woman if there is only a thing or two about her physically that they really like. That’s why you see discussions about breast men, leg men, butt men. If there is a physical feature about a woman that a guy likes, he will tolerate a whole bunch of other average or below average physical things about her. If a guy likes his girl’s butt, he’ll live with her flat chest and noodle legs. If he loves her face he’ll tolerate her dumpy body. If he loves her chest, he’ll live with her butter-face. I know it sounds overly simple, but it’s how guys roll.

    It’s the complete opposite of how women will nitpick a perfectly good man because he has one or two flaws, and then throw him away. Guys don’t do that unless they are 9+ Chads and Tyrones who have 100 thots lined up right behind you.

  14. Advertising is stupid. Attraction -is- should be more complicated than looks. Hobbys might be a better place to start. Looks aren’t everything (neither are they *nothing*). Please learn this before it’s too late.

  15. Not really woman have gotten into there head that they are either skinny of fat no u are not fat if i cant see how all your bones work thats not fat

  16. Do it for yourself, but yeah, men like fit women because it shows they take care of themselves.

  17. In general that is the case but not always. Judging from your height it sounds like you are just about the right weight. I would not recommend that you need to lose any weight.

    I can tell you from experience as a guy who went from 250lbs to 175lbs that it does very little to change peoples opinions of your attractiveness. I always thought girls weren’t into me because I was fat. After losing all that weight I found that I didn’t have any more luck in getting dates than when I was bigger. Just some advice from someone who was in the same situation years ago.

    The thing that really stood out to me about your post was when you said that you feel like you need to lose 10 lbs to “find yourself attractive”. That just broke my heart. Don’t ever let your weight define how you feel about yourself.

    If you choose to lose weight that is just fine but realize that no matter your weight you are worthy of love. Don’t ever let any guy (or girl) define how you feel about yourself.

  18. Everyone has someone that’s attracted to them, they just might be attracted.

    Being fit and healthy will increase the amount of men who are attracted to you

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