My sex drive is incredibly higher than my boyfriend it drives me crazy. He also finishes fast and I have never had an orgasm with him. Seeking for tips and advices 🙁

  1. Talk to him about what you need to orgasm. A good partner will make an effort to pleasure you.

    There’s not much to be done about having different libidos. You may just be incompatible in that regard.

  2. Just because he has a low sex drive doesn’t mean he has to leave you high and dry. Partners should be concerned about their partner’s pleasure. If he’s not, that’s a much bigger problem than mismatched libidos.

  3. I have the same problem. We had a long conversation about it, and although we still don’t have sex to the frequency I would like, he’s definitely making an effort. All I can say is have an open, in depth conversation about it.

    In my case, my bf was raised catholic so he has a lot of guilt associated with sex. He prefers to have sex in the morning so he has work and a day ahead of him so he doesn’t have to think so much about 1 being guilty and 2 the fear of getting me pregnant lol

    Also, due to other reasons as well, we really slowed things down when having sex. This helped a ton with his stamina, and actually gave me time to finish. And on the plus side, he said he enjoyed it a lot taking his time, and giving us time to connect on a more passionate level, and then finishing fast and strong.

    Hope these help! Good luck!

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