Men of Reddit, how often do you get “deep” with your friends?

  1. Very very sparingly. I don’t know if it’s just my circle, but it kinda gets weird with the bois when things start to get super personal/touchy. That’s why we just stick to gaming and other hobbyist activities, we don’t even have to get ‘deep’ and we can enjoy each other’s company.

  2. It depends on the situation.

    My core group of friends at a BBQ or out at a bar are about as deep as a puddle.

    That same group of guys on a camping trip sitting around the fire will discuss everything from philosophy to what problems we may be having in our lives and the conversation can get quite vulnerable at times.

    For us it is all about set and setting.

  3. All the time. Pondering your orb solo can sometimes lead to thought spirals. Sometimes an extra set of eyes really brings pondering to the next level.

  4. All the damn time we always talking about some deep wild shit. Mixed in with bitches and money 😂

  5. Almost every time we smoke weed together. I’m trying to take a break so let’s see what happens when they’re high and I’m not

  6. Very rarely. People don’t come to me for deep conversations and I don’t seek them in others. I’d rather keep things superficial.

  7. i have a friend, which I can have **very** deep talks with, philosophic to political. I met this friend in high school (gymnasium, not shaming people, but I really like that I am with same minded and overthinking and philosophic people, elementary I couldn’t go any deeper talking than half a nanometer)

  8. The deepest i ever get with guys is with those i will likely never see again. Never with my close friends

  9. Every couple months with my best friend. He’s the only that can keep up plunge into the depths objectively with me. My other guy friends can only get so far before they get try to find a way out. I think it can eat at something they believe is part of their identity, and they would rather not face the cognitive dissonance.

  10. Never. I don’t trust anyone enough to have anything other than surface level trivial conversations.

    My wife is the one and only exception.

  11. I regret every time I did, last time just by scratching the surface to see if they’re willing to listen, they immediately told me to see a therapist, so I only open up to professionals now

    Also stopped talking to friends altogether, really stopped caring about shallow shit when my mind is full of deep

  12. Like deep in the butt? We don’t really roll that way at least not officially.

  13. Depends on the friends. But my closest friends, pretty frequently. I have always been extremely open with my friends and tend to only really befriend people who tolerate that and also have no shame in opening up themselves.

    Beaides i like a good political/philosophical/emotional life talk once in a while.

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