I (22F) have been seeing a guy (24M) for about a month. For context, we have known each other a long time (maybe 5 or 6 years) and have had a small ‘fling’ in the past but nothing serious. This is nothing majorly serious yet but I am under the impression we both like each other.

He stayed at my house a few weeks ago and has picked me up to go out a couple of times since but no ‘dates’ or anything like that as it was just casual. We have a really good time together, when I’m with him I feel like he really likes me, he always kisses and hugs me and is generally really affectionate towards me.

We talk most days but some days he just completely ignores me? Since the beginning I have noticed his replies getting slower etc but is still adamant he wants to see me and is busy. It’s kinda annoying because before the time he stayed at my house a couple week ago he would complain about how I was hard to get hold of/make plans with, which maybe I was, but after that night I have been very consistent.

There have been a few occasions now where we were supposed to see each other and he hasn’t been able to make it, which is fine, but he has done it a few times now and usually doesn’t even tell me just stops responding that day which to me feels like he feels guilty to cancel on me but I’d rather him just tell me.

I really like him and enjoy his company but it’s really hurting me. Am I overreacting? Or is this a sign I should stop putting in the effort now? I’m supposed to be seeing him on Friday but really not sure if he will come through. It’s getting me down a lot.

  1. Distant behavior has always been a precursor to something negative in my personal history.

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