My boyfriend and I started dating a couple months ago.. I don’t mind him having girls that are friends, I have guys that are friends, keep that in mind please!

There is this one gal that just ERKS me. My bf and I went to a big dinner a couple weeks ago and I saw a message I didn’t like from this gal, he didn’t reply and I had spoke to him about it later in which he reassured me he didn’t know why she would say something like that… she is married… they are ex’s but have remained friends. He has helped her through a lot of bad stuff so to say, — I dropped it after that because I do trust him.

I’m not a nosey nelly by any means and I don’t go thru his phone, but anytime I plug his phone in, or he goes on snapchat in front of me, there is a message either to this gal, or from her. Or they have at least talked that same day

I understand having girls that are friends, I’m not controlling at all and I don’t want to be. But why do they speak so much? I don’t talk to my guy-friends every day like that. And if she needs advice on something, shouldn’t she go to her husband in which she should confide in the first place? Am I crazy for feeling this way? No rude comments.. I want to handle this the best way possible

  1. I think that being good friends with an ex is a thing which you’re within your rights to be uncomfortable with.

  2. She sounds like one of those girls who craves attention from men, regardless of her marital status.

    It doesn’t matter what’s going on with her marriage, it’s common decency to know that it’s inappropriate to be clinging to a taken man like that.

    Unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do about her. He needs to be the one to set and enforce boundaries with her. It is inappropriate for him to be that close to another woman, especially someone whom he has a sexual and romantic history. Its disrespectful to both you and her husband. I think he knows this, but he likes the attention and isn’t willing to admit that it’s a problem. I may be wrong, but this is usually the case in these sorts of situations.

    You need to sit down and talk with him. Make him some food, then take him out for a drive somewhere nice where there’s no distractions, and tell him how you feel in a non-confrontational way.

    If he is a good guy, he will respect that and will be willing to work with you to find a compromise that works for both of you. If he refuses to tone things down, or if he gets angry/defensive, then you can probably bet that there’s something going on, even if its just feelings.

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