What’s a little thing your SO did that signaled they were a good person?

  1. Return shopping carts, always ask if I’m okay, not turn on his headlights until he’d pulled out into the street so they wouldn’t glare into windows at night, etc.

  2. Within our first couple of dates, I knew she was very…..thoughtful is the best word I guess? Like she listened intently, didn’t judge, was open to feed back, willing to share opinions in a way that felt kind. She also suggested an all vegan restaurant for our first date, even though she eats meat, because I’m vegetarian and she wanted to be sure I could anything I wanted on the menu.

  3. Both times that come to mind we were driving and it was raining. We caught a red light near an uncovered bus stop and he rolled his window down to give them an umbrella he kept in his console.

    The second time he saw two guys struggling to tie a mattress down on top of their SUV. He has some ratchet straps that he just keeps in his truck for whatever may arise and he gave them two, helped strap it down and sent them on their way.

    He also cuts our neighbor across the streets grass for them since. They’re kinda old and he refuses to let him pay for it so she always bakes him something.

  4. Not the safest thing to do but she keeps these thinking of you cards with money in them in her glove compartment. I remember the first time she told me to grab one and hand it to a homeless guy on the corner. We were just friends then but I was so impressed by her and wanted to get to know her more.

  5. I’ve asked my wife this in the past and she usually brings up one of the first visits to my house.

    I lived with two of my brothers renting the house we grew up in from our father and we were all in our early 20s so the house was usually chaotic and there were always people over. Earlier in the day, we had the sewer line back up due to some tree roots getting into the pipes, but the mess had already been cleaned and we cleared the lines with a power auger, but the plunger from the only bathroom in the house was accidently left in the basement.

    Anyway, my future wife used the bathroom only to be horrified when the toilet started backing up and her desperate search for a plunger turned up nothing. She sheepishly told me the toilet was backed up and I assumed she found it that way (again, 3 idiots in our early 20s with our friends over constantly) and so I grabbed the plunger from the basement, headed upstairs, and fixed the problem.

    When I turned around after getting it to flush, she was standing behind me, her face beet red. It was then I realized I had completely misread the situation and that she had only wanted me to get the plunger so she could fix the mess herself. I apologized for putting her through that, for leaving the plunger in the basement, and for acting like she couldn’t have handled it herself.

    Both of us were stumbling for words while incessantly apologizing over each other until we both just started laughing about the silliness of it all. She’s very prone to feeling embarrassed and afraid people will laugh at her, but she says the way I handled everything was a large step toward becoming comfortable with each other.

  6. We went to see the lights right before Christmas. It was an hour drive and about a two hour wait.

    We finally made it to the front of the line when we noticed people driving around a car with the hazard lights on. There were a couple of distressed teens in the car who clearly didn’t know what to do.

    My boyfriend of two months pulled up next to them with no hesitation and offered help. He jumped off their car and stood out there in the freezing cold explaining to the kids how to change the alternator.

    Then he gets back in the car and says to me “I’m really sorry if this is ruining your night. I just couldn’t leave them there like that.”

    I decided I would marry him in that moment. Our first wedding anniversary is next month.

  7. Before we were dating, he let my brothers and I chill on his front porch while the police busted the party next door iirc lol

  8. When we first started dating we ended up having to do long distance for 6 months. I’d just lost my father before we met and was having a hard time. One night I broke down and had cried. In the middle of the night he packed a bag, told his roommates he was headed out, and without me asking or even saying I needed him, he hopped in his truck and drove to my front door just to stay for 2 nights. It was incredibly sweet. We just laid in bed for two days, watched movies, and talked. Not sure we even left the house. I remember opening the door and my jaw just dropping and I hugged him for like twenty minutes.

  9. He cared for my well-being. When I suggested that I could fly up and visit him in another country, he immediately suggested several safety measures that I should take before I got another word out.

  10. I think it’s the little things like making sure my phone is charged, can notice slight changes in my mood and tries to talk to me, and really listens. I have a super weird sense of humor and he gets it people always thought I was strange but he understands me even more than my family. But most importantly, he’s silly. I hate that everyone is so serious. He’ll make up songs and do little dances. He always brings a smile to my face. That’s how I know he has the kindest heart (:

  11. He read up how to help someone with anxiety
    That’s the first time someone has tried to be so understanding of me

    Edit : my grammar isn’t good
    My first language isn’t English

  12. First date, can’t remember what specifically, but he put his trash in his pocket until we found a trash can.

  13. I bite my fingernails BAD. Like, they’re barely there at all bad.

    When my SO and I were first dating, I was having a mini-meltdown about how ugly I felt while walking out the door for a job interview. He was trying, of course, to convince me otherwise. I complained that my fingers look like toes. His ever so sweet response?

    “Nice toes!”

  14. We went out to dinner, then back to my place. I was so stuffed that I passed out on my couch.

    I woke up to him doing my dishes.

    ETA: my extremely skittish cat who hates strangers cuddled up to him second time they met. He also bought her a drinking fountain as a present.

  15. The first time he came to mine, I forewarned him that my dogs will do a lot of harmless barking. Don’t be scared, they are little terriers, they have never bitten anyone, etc.
    We arrived, I unlocked the door.

    All three dogs were stood together in a line, like they were expecting him. Not one peep. Not one growl.
    Tails going crazy. He sat down and they mobbed him, kisses and wiggles and all. He then took all of them outside for a walk together while I made dinner.

    I happen to believe that dogs are the best judges of character. So, maybe it wasn’t something he did, but this stays with me.

  16. In our first few months of dating, there was one evening when he called me kind of late and I heard another voice in the background. He was with his friend whose car broke down and my guy sat there with this friend and waited for the tow truck for over 2 hours, u til after 11 pm. Just so the guy didn’t have to hang out and wait by himself…I love this man.

  17. We had only been dating a few months at this point. He was hanging out at my apartment, waiting for me to get home from work. I had had a really bad day, and he took one look at me and asked me what’s wrong. I responded, “nothing. It was just a shitty day”, then he embraced me in a hug and I broke down crying. He hugged me until I stopped and then gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead. It blew my mind that somebody I had known for a few months was so in tune to my body language and was able to offer me the emotional support I didn’t know I needed. We’ve been together 9 years and we’re getting married next summer!

  18. Developed a loving relationship with my 8 year old dog, and more importantly, she loved him back!

  19. A few weeks ago the trash pickup crew made a mess emptying our elderly neighbors’ garden waste bins. My husband happened to be doing our yard that day and went over and cleaned it up for them. I don’t think he even knows I saw him. ❤️

  20. He asked if I wanted to call my friends to let them know where I was when we extended the date past the cut off time I had set. Really helped me feel safe with him.

  21. One night when we were together, I got a call in the middle of the night about a family medical emergency. I immediately began panicking and couldn’t think straight. All he did was hold my hand and hear me out. He got me water, squeezed my hand and assured me that he would be by my side. After I had relatively calmed down, he drove me to the hospital and stayed by my side the whole day. When my brain was a mush and I couldn’t figure out how to go about with the hospital formalities, he helped me out. He was not only my pillar if strength but also helped other family members in some way or the other. Seeing him respecting my needs and sticking by my side, and I knew I had found the love of my life.

  22. He does a lot but one thing specifically I’d like to call out is that we went to Key West for my birthday. The first night we walked up and down duval st. There was broken beer bottles on the side walk – he stopped and picked up all the glass and threw it in the garbage bin. Just so other people wouldn’t have to potentially walk on it 🙂

  23. It was within a year of my dad’s passing and my mom was, understandably, feeling very low. He was meeting me at her house and he brought me a bouquet of flowers. I don’t remember why he brought the flowers anymore, but I will always remember that he also brought a bouquet for my mom in her favorite color. It meant the world to me that he thought of her.

  24. He grabs the paper advertisements (flyers? Don’t know the name in English) from the old people giving them on the street to contribute to them having a job. He also convinced me to stop mending my own clothes and doing my small repairs and hire someone because for me it’s a tiny amount of money, but for them it’s making a living.

  25. My now husband and I met 2 weeks before I was moving into a new apartment to live by myself for the first time. On our third date, he helped me paint my new living room, and then also offered to help me with moving day. I was so taken by surprise that I declined his offer to help. I’ve since learned that he genuinely just loves to help people and it’s amazing!

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