I (F)23 have been with this (M)26 for almost 8 months. He was previously in a serious relationship however, never had sex due to his religion. When the two of us met/got together he decided that he wanted to give up his virginity as he no longer wanted to follow his religion.

I know it isn’t his fault because he’s new to it all but I don’t really know what to do. I’m not finding the sex pleasurable as it ends so fast and is not really intimate. In previous relationships my sex life was so much fun and this just feels forced. Additionally, he likes receiving oral sex however, has never once given it to me because apparently he is not a fan of the idea as vaginas are weird and apparently don’t taste nice, this just makes me feel embarrassed of myself but also annoyed as it feels like the sex is all about him.

1 comment
  1. This guy is a manchild. Don’t remain in this relationship due to pity or obligation.

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